Immunisation coverage rates for all children

The coverage rates for all children at one year of age decreased by 0.33 percentage points to 92.49% compared to the four quarters to June 2024. Coverage for local areas varies. You can explore local rates by Primary Health Networks (PHN) or Statistical Areas Level 3 (SA3).

National coverage rates

Immunisation coverage for 5 year olds missed the target of 95% for this quarterly report. 

At September 2024, the national coverage rates were:

  • 92.49% for all one year olds
  • 90.72% for all two year olds
  • 93.76% for all five year olds.

State and territory coverage rates

Coverage rates for one year olds

One jurisdiction (Australian Capital Territory) has exceeded the 95% target rate for one year old immunisation coverage.

Coverage rates for 2 year olds

No jurisdictions have achieved the aspirational target of 95% for two year old immunisation coverage.

Coverage rates for 5 year olds

One jurisdiction (Australian Capital Territory) has exceeded the 95% target rate for five year old immunisation coverage.

For detailed data, take a look at:

Local area coverage rates

Coverage rates for local areas can be quite different to the state or territory rates. To explore coverage in your local area, take a look at:

What are PHNs? The Australian Government set up 31 PHNs across the country to improve the coordination of health services. Find your PHN by using the PHN map locator.

What are SA3s? The Australian Bureau of Statistics uses SA3s to group data by region. Australia is divided into 358 SA3s. You can find out more about SA3s by visiting the ABS website.

Date last updated:

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