Our related work
Care for Kids' Ears
The Care for Kids’ Ears program helps families, educators and health professionals recognise and prevent ear disease in First Nations children. Order or download Care for Kids’ Ears resources for free. The site is managed by the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO).
Get help with your hearing
Your hearing health is important to your overall health and wellbeing. Untreated hearing loss can have a big impact on your life. That’s why it’s important to think about your hearing in the same way you think about other health concerns.
Hearing Services Program
The Hearing Services Program provides subsidised high-quality hearing services and devices to eligible Australians with hearing loss.
Review of Auslan interpreting services in primary care
The Review of Auslan Interpreting Services in Primary Care recommends ways to improve primary care provider’s Deaf awareness and ability to work with Auslan interpreters. It will help improve Deaf people’s experience of primary care.
Roadmap for Hearing Health initiatives
We have implemented several initiatives based on recommendations from the Roadmap for Hearing Health. These were designed to raise awareness, build our evidence base, improve ear health among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People, and improve hearing support among older Australians.
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