Delivering aged care in rural and remote settings

Accessing and providing aged care in rural and remote communities presents unique challenges. We are supporting providers to deliver safe and quality services for older people in rural and remote locations. Find out what support and resources are available.

About rural or remote settings

Rural and remote settings are defined by the Modified Monash Model (MMM). They range from large rural towns (MM 3) to very remote locations (MM 7).

You can find your location’s MM number by searching the Health Workforce Locator.

Aged care in rural and remote communities

More than 1 in 3 older Australians live in regional, rural or remote communities.

The more remote the location, the less likely older people are to access aged care.

Even though older people make up a greater part of the population in rural communities, fewer aged care services are available than in major cities.

Viability support for rural and remote providers

Rural, Remote and First Nations Aged Care Service Development Assistance Panel (SDAP)

SDAP panel members work with you to improve the way you govern, deliver and administer services.

They offer off-site mentoring and on-site training in:

  • provider capacity and support
  • sector development
  • infrastructure project management.

If you are an aged care service provider, you must either:

  • be located in a MM 4, 5, 6 or 7 location
  • provide services to a large number of First Nations people anywhere in Australia.

This includes providers who:

To be eligible, your organisation must:

  • be an approved aged care provider with a National Approved Provider System ID
  • not be a state government entity
  • provide residential or home care. 

Providers will be considered on a case-by-case basis for the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP).

Providers who are experiencing financial difficulties will be given priority.

Market Adjustment Program

The Market Adjustment Program provides funding to support continuity of care for your residents. Support can help you to:

  • manage a closure, transition or sale
  • get help if you are in financial crisis or facing insolvency
  • improve your business.

To be eligible, you must:

  • provide residential aged care
  • be invited to apply.

We will prioritise support based on:

  • service location, such as rural and remote location
  • whether alternative services are available
  • size
  • service specialisations
  • community contribution of the service – for example, employing local people.

Market Adjustment Program currently ceases on 30 June 2025.

Workforce support for rural and remote providers

Rural Locum Assistance Program (Rural LAP) Aged Care

Rural LAP Aged Care helps rural and remote providers experiencing high turnover or workforce shortages by providing a locum while recruitment takes place. Locum support is also available while staff take leave and for continuing professional development.

There are no fees or charges. The program covers locums’:

  • recruitment costs
  • travel
  • accommodation
  • incentives while on placement.

The aged care service is responsible for paying the locum’s hourly wage (including penalties, superannuation, and applicable taxes) for the placement period.

The program supports key personnel, including:

  • registered nurses
  • enrolled nurses
  • facility managers
  • care coordinators
  • care support workers
  • personal care workers
  • other eligible aged care workers.

Support services are available for all types of aged care located in rural and remote areas based on their MM rating, including:  

Relocation Incentive and Retention Bonuses

Through Rural LAP, aged care workers who relocate from a MM 1 to 3 location to a MM 4 to 7 location may be eligible for a one-off payment of up to $16,500.

They may also be eligible for an annual retention bonus of up to $3,700 (MM 4) and up to $6,000 (MM 5 to 7) for 2 years after they relocate and start permanent employment with a rural or remote aged care service.

Fee-Free TAFE

Through Fee-Free TAFE, we work with states and territories to 480,000 Fee-Free TAFE places between 2023 and 2026.

Fee-free places target priority groups including:

  • First Nations people
  • young people aged 17 to 24 years
  • jobseekers
  • unpaid carers
  • women in non-traditional fields of study 
  • people with disability.

If you are eligible for Fee-Free TAFE, you can study for an accredited diploma, certificate (for example, the Certificate III in Individual Support) or short course without having to pay tuition fees.

Read more about the training places available in your state or territory.

Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme

The PALM scheme allows eligible Australian businesses to hire workers from 9 Pacific islands and Timor-Leste when there are not enough local workers available.

To be eligible to join the PALM scheme, you must:

  • be an eligible business registered and operating in Australia
  • not be an individual, sole trader or unincorporated company
  • be located within an eligible rural or regional postcode.

See the full list of eligible postcodes.

Aged Care Research and Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA)

ARIIA is a collaborative source of expertise, knowledge and transformative opportunities for aged care:

  • workforce
  • providers
  • researchers
  • suppliers
  • consumers
  • innovators.

Aged Care Workforce Remote Accord

The Remote Accord is made up of employers and experts delivering aged care services in remote and very remote areas of Australia. It acts as a platform for industry to engage on remote aged care workforce issues.

The Remote Accord aims to achieve an adequate, appropriately trained and supported workforce to meet the care needs of older people living in remote and very remote communities.

It connects remote services and communities to better understand and share:

  • challenges facing the workforce
  • what more can be done
  • what works well.

The Remote Accord distributes helpful information to services in MM 6 to 7.

You can request to be added to the distribution list.

Infrastructure support for rural and remote providers

Aged Care Capital Assistance Program (ACCAP)

ACCAP provides grants for infrastructure projects that will maintain or increase access to quality aged care services for people:

  • from First Nations communities
  • living in regional, rural and remote areas
  • who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless
  • who have other complex and diverse needs, including dementia.

We advertise ACCAP grant opportunities through GrantConnect, including eligibility criteria.


We advertise all grant opportunities through GrantConnect. Eligibility to apply and receive grant funding varies.

Other supports and resources

Governing for Reform in Aged Care

Governing for Reform in Aged Care provides participants with in-depth learning into leadership and governance challenges as they apply to their own context.

All members of governing bodies and executives of Australian Government-funded residential and home care approved providers are eligible to enrol in the program.

Aged Care Engagement Hub

See our Aged Care Engagement Hub for information on reforms, and opportunities for engagement.

Aged care newsletter

Stay up to date by subscribing to aged care newsletters for providers, workers and older people.

Rural and remote aged care news

Read the latest rural and remote aged care news and media releases.

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