Aims of the program
The program aims to maintain or increase access to quality aged care services in thin market settings for people:
- from First Nations communities
- living in regional, rural, and remote areas
- who are homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless
- with other complex and diverse needs, including dementia.
How much funding has been made available
Up to $605.7 million has been made available until 30 June 2027.
From 2027–28, we will make at least $161 million available per year on an ongoing basis.
What grants can be used for
Organisations can apply for ACCAP grants to support aged care infrastructure projects, such as:
- new builds, extensions and upgrades
- maintenance and efficiency upgrades
- safety and amenity improvements
- construction or upgrade of multi-use spaces
- provision of staff accommodation
Eligible activities are determined on a round-by-round basis and clarified through grant opportunity guidelines. These guidelines will be published on GrantConnect at the beginning of each grant round.
Who can apply
Eligibility to apply and receive grant funding is determined on a round-by-round basis and clarified through grant opportunity guidelines.
Grant opportunity now open
The Residential-based Aged Care Services Grant Opportunity (GO6989) is now open.
This $200 million grant opportunity is for infrastructure projects that focus on maintaining or improving access to quality residential-based aged care services for:
- older people living in all regional, rural and remote locations (MM 2 to 7)
- First Nations people in any location, including metropolitan areas (MM 1 to 7).
Eligibility requirements differ for:
- mainstream residential care services
- Multi-Purpose Services
- National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care services.
Applications close at 2pm AEST on Thursday 29 August 2024.
Thin markets, Multiple Streams Grant Opportunity results
Results for the Thin Markets, Multiple Streams Grant Opportunity (GO6593) were announced on 22 May 2024.
A total of $134.9 million in funding was allocated for 76 infrastructure projects focused on:
- maintaining or improving access to quality aged care services in small rural towns, remote and very remote communities (MM5-7)
- supporting First Nations communities
- supporting older Australians who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
For more information, see the results, summary of allocations and feedback for applicants.
Future grant opportunities
As an ongoing program, there will be multiple ACCAP grant opportunities beyond the current round.
Each grant opportunity will align with the program objectives and outcomes and will be made available through various approaches to market.
Further information on upcoming grant opportunities will be published on GrantConnect and this website.
To receive notifications about future funding opportunities, please register with GrantConnect.
Invite only grant opportunities
The Critical Infrastructure Projects Grant Opportunity (GO6332) has made available up to $134.5 million to 30 June 2026. This is a closed non-competitive, invite only opportunity that allows the department to address situations where a critical and urgent need has been identified.
Visit GrantConnect for information on this opportunity.
What we’ve already funded
A targeted round has delivered $115 million to construct 4 culturally safe, purpose-built NATSIFAC services.