How to review and submit a Governing Body Determination form in the Manage Your Organisation tile

A short video showing approved providers how to review and submit a determination form in the Manage Your Organisation tile in the Government Provider Management System (GPMS) as a Provider Governing Person user.


How to review and submit a determination form as a governing person.

The provider governing person logs into the Self Service portal and is presented with the Manage Your Organisation landing page.

The provider is looking to review a Governing Body determination request, so will select the Manage Your Organisation tile.

The governing person will land on the Manage Your Organisation page and can scroll down to the Determination table to view the Draft Determination form.

The governing person will click the drop down and will select Edit to open and review the Draft Determination form.

On the Review page, the governing person can review all information inputted by the provider and the supporting evidence document uploaded.

If all details are correct, the governing person will select next to go to the Declaration and Submission page. 

The governing person must acknowledge and agree to the Declaration statement by selecting the first radio button.

When the radio button is selected, a message button will display stating click Confirm to submit this form to the Commission.

The governing person then clicks Confirm.

A confirmation will display stating Your application for a determination that certain governing body responsibilities do not apply has been submitted.

Confirmation is sent to the provider who initiated the form, the governing person who submitted the form and the primary contact for the organisation.

The governing person can now click Return to manage your organisation where they can track the progress of the application via the Determinations table. 

In the Determinations table

The form is now submitted.

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