QI Program file upload template

This file upload template is for government-subsidised residential aged care providers to upload QI Program data through the provider portal for multiple services. This template can also be used by a commercial benchmarking company to submit QI Program data on behalf of their clients.


QI Program file upload template

This file upload template is for uploading QI Program data through the provider portal for multiple services at a time using the bulk upload functionality.

We aim to provide documents in an accessible format. If you're having problems using a document with your accessibility tools, please contact us for help.

Publication date:
Date last updated:
Publication type:
Health sector

There have been updates to the template:

  •  Line breaks are now allowed within the comments section.  commas can be used within the comments section.
  •  Validation rules have been built into the template to ensure ID information entered is in the correct format.

Important information:

There is formatting in the date fields of the bulk submission template. When copying and pasting data into the bulk submission template, make sure to only paste the values of copied cells via the Paste Values function. This will enable the bulk submission template formatting to be retained when data from another source is copied.

Delete all previous versions of this template and only use the template available on the QI resources page.

If you need help, please contact the My Aged Care Helpdesk on 1800 836 799.

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