Eligibility and timelines

Find out who can enter, when you need to submit your entry and when winners will be announced.


The competition is open to multidisciplinary design teams, led by a registered Australian architect or a graduate of an Australian accredited architectural program.

Eligible teams: 

  • will be led by an Australian registered architect or a graduate of an Australian accredited architectural program (the team’s representative and contact for the competition) 
  • will include a landscape architect
  • will include a nominated interior designer (who may be the architect or another team member with professional experience in interior design) 
  • may include (at the Entrant’s discretion) other designers, tertiary design students or non-design team members.

We encourage teams to involve people with lived experience of aged care. This could include older people and their families and carers, service providers, or aged care staff. 

If you are unsure about eligibility and want to seek advice, please contact us.


Tuesday 17 October 2023

Registrations and entries open

Questions period opens

Tuesday 14 November 2023

Questions period closes at 12 pm (noon) AEDT

Tuesday 21 November 2023

Final answers posted by 12 pm (noon) AEDT

Friday 15 December 2023

Competition closes at 12 pm (noon) AEDT

Soft copy entries must be uploaded by the closing time

Thursday 21 December 2023

Hard copy entries must be received by 12 pm (noon) AEDT

Wednesday 21–Thursday 22 February 2024

Jury deliberations

By end April 2024

Winners announced

Number of entries

Multiple separate entries are welcome. If you submit more than one entry, you will need to register each time and will be given a separate submission ID for each entry. You can use different team members for your separate entries.

You can choose to enter the urban metro site or the regional town site, or both.

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If you would like a response please use the enquiries form instead.