Jury Report
The jury was impressed by the quality of the entries – to find out more, read the Jury Report.
Urban metro category
First place
Scales of Care by LM2A with Super Natural.
Click the images below to see the full sized panels.
Panel 1: An image of the front yard of the residential aged care home which shows a playground with children playing and spaces for residents and community to use. A diagram of the design framework and a location plan is also shown.
Panel 2: An image of the backyard depicting the garden and room balconies. Residents are gardening and using the outdoor spaces or balconies. There are diagrams of the arrangement of houses and a ground floor plan and elevation drawing of the aged care home.
Panel 3: An image of a domestic kitchen and dining space, opening to a balcony. Residents are cooking, socialising, and sitting on the balcony with a dog. Diagrams illustrate the arrangement of spaces. Floor plans for a typical household and the basement car park are shown and there is a section drawing showing the aged care home has four levels (basement plus ground, first and second level households).
Panel 4: An image showing Charlie, a resident, looking out his bedroom window. There are diagrams showing spaces are customisable to residents and typical room plan drawings illustrating different options. There are images of common areas with books, art, and a vinyl player depicted in the anteroom and living rooms, with residents and visitors using the spaces.
Jury comment: An exceptional proposition successfully designed as a dynamic connection between the individual and the community to create a “productive relationship … between the practice of care, and the environment in which it takes place … a positive feedback loop … fostered between the resident and the world around them”.
Second place
Connection, Community and Movement by Walter&Walter.
Click the images below to see the full sized panels.
Panel 1: An image of the street front gardens, depicting residents and community members engaging in various outdoor activities on the ground floor such as gardening, ping pong, paths for walking and cycling and spaces to socialise. Residents and visitors are on the balconies, overlooking the street front gardens.
Panel 2: A floor plan drawing showing the spaces available in a household such as bedrooms, kitchen and dining spaces, media and activity rooms and staff workspaces. There is also a site plan drawing presenting 3 households, a sports centre, a pond, ping pong area and garden seating across the site.
Panel 3: An image depicting residents and staff on Levels 1 and 2 spending time on enclosed verandahs and balconies overlooking the yard. A resident plays the accordion on the ground level verandah and some residents are walking outside. A section drawing shows the aged care home has 4 levels, including a basement. There are 4 floor plans depicting the layout of rooms and communal spaces for the different levels of care.
Panel 4: The Level 1 Streets image shows residents playing indoor lawn balls together on the enclosed verandah. The Level 2 Balconies image shows Bianca's bedroom as she accesses the outdoors through her balcony. Diagrams show how the building configuration can change in response to level of care need and a site plan shows the co-location of a childcare.
Jury comment: An innovative proposition for residential aged care accommodation explored as a “back flip" to "invert the existing inward looking institutional model to an outward focused community one that is a great place to live and a great place to work".
Highly Commended
Reflection Home by CultivAR + Wild Studio
Click the images below to see the full sized panels.
Panel 1: The single bedroom and double bedroom images show a view from inside the room to the balcony, garden, and ensuite. The entry perspective image shows the bedroom door and shelves with books, photos and flowers. The garden image shows that a bookshelf acts as a divider between the sensory garden and hall, and a seating nook is next to a window.
Panel 2: An image of the sensory garden and flora. Images of species in the herb, sensory and memory garden are also provided. Diagrams show the planning strategy and design for small households and gardens. The floor plan shows the layout of bedrooms, common areas, staff and back of house spaces in the home. Section drawings of single and double bedrooms for residents are also shown.
Panel 3: Home and street level site plans are provided and descriptions of these are included on the panel. Images of the species for the seasonal garden, street level planting and void planting are also provided.
Panel 4: An image of a sitting room with couches, a coffee table and hanging plants leading into an open dining and domestic kitchen, which is seen in another image. The garden spine image shows an outside perspective of the residential aged care home, whilst the entry garden at street level image depicts an open air ‘garden’ foyer with elevators and central staircase. Four potential adaptions of the design are illustrated.
Jury comment: The jury noted the value of the excellent household visitor amenities for family stays and the delightful interior detailing with human scale and ‘feeling’ evident in the imagery of this “small household + small garden” response.
Highly Commended
Canopy by Jacqueline Bartholomeusz, David Sutherland, Lorraine Calder and Oculus
Click the images below to see the full sized panels.
Panel 1: This panel shows the layout and configuration of the building on the site. Twelve illustrations zoom in on parts of the site plan showing the layout and design of the households and bedrooms (family clusters and house living spaces), gardens, living rooms (the weave), dining and kitchen spaces and areas for activity. Descriptive text is on the board for each magnified drawing and two relationship diagrams depict the underlying organisation of the scheme.
Panel 2: A section drawing of the scheme and detailed information is provided in the speech bubbles. An elevation drawing of the four levels of the home is also depicted. Illustrations in the circles provide a closer look at bedrooms, the weave, living spaces and backyard, with detailed information provided in the speech bubbles alongside each image.
Panel 3: There is a typical floor plan of the house. The plan also shows that there are alternative solutions for bedrooms and the scheme allows for flexibility. Floor plans are also provided for each floor. The legend provides further details of what rooms and spaces available and more detailed information about the plans is provided in speech bubbles.
Panel 4: There are site plans of the gardens on each level of the scheme. A section drawing of the tree tower is also provided. More detailed information about each plan is provided in accompanying speech bubbles.
Jury comment: The jury commended the significant areas of landscape and vegetation – at all levels and in multiple locations – as being of real value to residents and to staff providing a sensory natural environment of pleasure and beauty within the urban context.
An Ordinary Life by T&Z Architects + Aspect Studios
Click the images below to see the full sized panels.
Panel 1: A site plan of the residential aged care home, with a legend providing details on what the spaces are. There are also diagrams showing the relationships between community and site design. The street view illustration depicts a five-storey building (including basement level) with green balconies as well as gardens and areas for community engagement such as a men’s shed and shops facing the street. Residents and community members are engaged in outdoor activities and can also be seen on the balconies.
Panel 2: A neighbourhood floor plan shows the relationships between spaces described in the key. There are images to show how the residents and community use the shared spaces. The community plaza depicts a café and garden courtyard, being used by residents and community members, including children. The residential garden is on a large balcony, with plants and benches for residents to sit. Another shared outdoor space with raised gardens and seating is shown in the neighbourhood connections image. The house and community plan, depicts zones and viewpoints in the scheme, which are marked using the key. The plan legend provides details about the spaces shown.
Panel 3: The exploded axonometric presents the different areas a resident, visitor or staff member may travel through in the aged care home. These are colour coded for each resident persona (Bianca, Anne, Dave and Eileen and Daisy) and labelled with text on the drawing. There is section drawing of the scheme which shows the community plaza, gardens, an indoor aviary in the centre and areas for activities.
Jury comment: This is a nested neighbourhood scheme based on several small clusters of rooms with shared living spaces around a central circulation space. An aviary void is presented as a beautiful experience of life that connects all floor levels.
Regional town category
First place
Manu Place by Monash Urban Lab with NMBW Architecture Studio, BoardGrove Architects, BLOXAS and Glas Landscape Architects.
Click the images below to see the full sized panels.
Panel 1: There are illustrations of each of the characters (Anne, Dave, Francine, Melissa and Dante) and 4 plan drawings depicting bedroom and bathroom arrangements, the household typology, pathways of access for staff and public and a network of care for community engagement. There are also 5 illustrations depicting the bathrooms, bedrooms, cloisters, courtyards and commercial laundry.
Panel 2: There are 3 illustrations showing Anne’s daily experience. The first drawing shows Anne in her bedroom, which looks out towards a garden and street, and has an ensuite. The second drawing depicts an open bathroom, with space for her walker. The final illustration shows Anne sitting at the bay window, overlooking the courtyard garden. Residents are depicted sitting in the courtyard garden.
Panel 3: There is a drawing of a ‘bread n coffee’ corner café, showing the residents and community socialising, including Dante. There is an illustration of Anne sitting in a cloister with other residents, as she overlooks the garden and holds her floral arrangement. There is a site drawing of some spaces such as the Darra Depot and Delaya Hall. The accompanying speech bubbles from Dante and Francine provide further details. The site and section plan shows all the areas (courtyards, cloisters, hubs and kindergarten) available to the residents and community. There is also an urban plan depicting how the aged care home is situated within the neighbourhood.
Panel 4: There is a household ground floor plan, showing the layout and configuration of the household. The legend and accompanying speech bubbles provide more detail about these spaces. There is also a site section showing the general building arrangement including indoor and outdoor spaces.
Jury comment: This is an outstanding proposition which critically addressed the Principles and Guidelines with a strong and appropriately scaled low-rise spatial program sensitively and intelligently embedded within the site context and neighbourhood.
Second place
All Together Now by Other Architects, Openwork, Andy Fergus and Alicia Pozniak
Click the images below to see the full sized panels.
Panel 1: There is a drawing of the site depicting the residential aged care home is located on the main street corner, next to playing fields. There are illustrations of Eleesha and Isa’s on site home, resident Bianca’s home, and the shared activity space (art room). A neighbourhood plan shows public amenities including shops, a café, and pool are nearby. There is also a street view image of the aged care home depicting one and two-storey buildings of varying forms and colours, visitors out on the internal street, and tables and seating facing the main street.
Panel 2: The internal street view image shows a person cycling on the curved street. There are different communal activities, with a yoga room, a watering can and chair, and a street library. A site development plan is depicted, with a key providing details on the spaces. An illustration shows how communal and activity spaces are situated on the internal street, including the childcare area. There is also a site drawing of the homes for staff (Eleesha), with a key for further details.
Panel 3: The household plan shows its layout and configuration, with a key providing details on the spaces. A diagram shows how the household modules can be arranged in different and flexible ways. There is a drawing depicting the basic household unit and one showing how the site is organised. There is an image ‘looking out’ from inside the open-plan lounge room and dining area at Bianca sitting in the courtyard garden just beyond the covered verandah.
Panel 4: There are 2 section drawings showing the arrangement of different spaces in Bianca’s household and a key providing details. There is an image of a view into Bianca’s room and the corridor of the household. An illustration of the courtyard shows an orchard and vegetable garden. There is a courtyard garden plan and key that provides further information on this space.
Jury comment: A conceptually strong proposition – a clear and simple village site planning construct of seven small households and a community childcare cooperative “placing children at the centre of the plan”. Proposed as an inter-generational care home the environment is intended to integrate and stimulate town social connections.
Highly commended
The Connected Garden by Mark Boffa, Guruge Ruwani Dharmasiri, Pulasthi Wijekoon, Jana Osvald and Julie Ockerby
Click the images below to see the full sized panels.
Panel 1: There is an axonometric view of the site depicting cottages, gardens and shared spaces. A diagram explains the site arrangement. There are 6 drawings showing Bianca’s day - sitting with her friend for breakfast, tending the veggie patch, sitting on the patio, helping with lunch, walking and seeing children play and picking a bouquet of flowers.
Panel 2: The site plan shows the layout of the aged care home on the site and a legend provides details about the spaces and buildings shown. There are site planning diagrams which depict the planning strategy described, including the configurations and massing of the five households and gardens. There is an image of a shared outdoor space showing residents and visitors using the space, including children.
Panel 3: The household plan and household section present the various spaces within the household. The legend provides further information. There are also diagrams of the household layout. There is an image of the residents sitting in the Rain Garden and walking their dog. There is also an image of a resident and visitor having tea/coffee in the dining area.
Panel 4: There are floor plans of the room types, with 5 different room arrangements explained in the legend. There are 4 images to accompany these room types, each depicting the rooms overlooking into the gardens. There is also an image of the view from the garden looking towards one of the households. It shows an outdoor table and chairs, bird feeder and paths to walk, and residents gardening and sitting outside on the covered verandah.
Jury comment: The Jury commends the way in which this proposal reflects the character and scale ‘imagined’ for many Australian country towns – the discrete cottage gardens, front door to street arrangements, general built form massing, warm masonry facades and pitched metal roofs.
Reproduction of the above images requires written approval from the Department of Health and Aged Care.
Requests to use or reproduce the above design concepts can be sent to accommodationdesign.reform@health.gov.au.