Check your eligibility
See if you are an eligible doctor providing eligible services under the Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) Doctor Stream.
No application needed for the Central Payment System
Services Australia pays doctors through 2 payment systems:
You do not need to apply to be paid through the Central Payment System. Services Australia automatically calculates what is due to you based on your eligible MBS billing records in eligible locations.
See Doctor Stream payment systems for details about how the systems work.
See Doctor Stream participant obligations for how to keep your details up to date.
Applying under the Flexible Payment System
See the WIP Doctor Stream Guidelines for details of eligible services or approved training, alternative employment top-ups and special top-up provisions under the FPS.
To apply for a payment, use the FPS application form. It contains detailed guidance.
Submit the form to the Rural Workforce Agency (RWA) in the state or territory where you provided most of your services or did your training.
If you are undertaking training, you no longer need to complete a separate training confirmation form. The confirmation is now included in the FPS application form.