Prescribed List consultations

We consult extensively with our stakeholders on our reforms to the Prescribed List. See how you can get involved in current or upcoming consultations and reports on the feedback we received in past consultations.

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Find all open and closed consultations at the consultation hub.

Open consultations

Prescribed List – Clarifying definitions under the current Grouping Scheme – consultation to clarifying and refining some definitions and descriptors for different categories of the Prescribed List (at the group, subgroup, and/or suffix level). 

Step 1 closing Friday 24 January 2025.

Closed consultations

Reforms consultations

Consultation paperSummaryStatusFeedback report
Consultation paper 10Looked at ways to address concerns about the growth in use and spending for general use items. Closed 20 September 2024Feedback analysis is in progress.
Consultation paper 9Looked for ways to reduce benefits of cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIED) and the cost of technical support services (TSS). closed on 6 September 2024Feedback analysis is in progress.
Consultation paper 8aLooked at the reporting requirements for gifts, benefits and discounts.May to June 2024See the feedback analysis report 
Consultation paper 8b  Discussed aligning the amount charged for supplying a device with the corresponding Prescribed List benefit.May to June 2024See the feedback analysis report 
Consultation paper 7 Covered the suggested measures for compliance, assurance, and information sharing related to the Prescribed List.July to August 2023See the feedback analysis report 
Consultation paper 6(b) Set out the proposed fees and legislative changes for including products in the Prescribed List. March to May 2023See the feedback analysis report.
Consultation paper 6(a)Defined the proposed criteria to include items in Parts A and C of the Prescribed List.March to May 2023 See the feedback analysis report.
Consultation paper 5 Proposed 3 ways to implement bundling of benefits for general use items.February to March 2023See the feedback analysis report.
Consultation paper 4(b) Sought feedback on the first set of legislation changes in 3 bills.November 2022See the feedback analysis report.
Consultation paper 4(a) Provided an analysis of stakeholder feedback from a series of 3 webinars.September 2022See the feedback analysis report.
Consultation paper 3(b)Proposed new listing pathways.September to October 2022

See the feedback analysis report.


Consultation paper 3 Proposed ideas to help establish separate pathways to list existing technology.January to March 2022 
Consultation paper 2(a) Presented the current structure of Part B and put forward ideas to improve this section.January to March 2022 
Consultation paper 1Canvassed views on proposed implementation of improvements to the list.September 2021See the feedback report and answers to commonly asked questions.

Other consultations

We undertook consultation on:

  • a preliminary draft of the Prescribed List Guide (August 2023)
  • the Prescribed List Compliance Strategy (September to October 2022
  • regrouping the Prescribed List in 5 stages, through a series of documents and an information webinar; this work is ongoing.
  • bundling arrangements for general use items on the Prescribed List in Part D (done by the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority)
  • options for reforms and improvements to the Prostheses List (December 2020). 
Date last updated:

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