Archived publications
We have archived all publications relating to the Prostheses List. You can find these on the National Library of Australia's web archive.
Stakeholder feedback summary – Consultation Paper 9 – CIED and the cost of technical support services
This document provides a high-level summary of stakeholder feedback received in response to Consultation Paper 9 – CIED and the cost of technical support services.
Prescribed List post-listing review framework
Strategy or framework
We have developed a Prescribed List Post-listing Review Framework that is used to guide the post-listing review process as part of the Prescribed List Reforms.
Interim Evaluation #1 of the Prescribed List Reforms
The interim evaluation report covers the period from May 2021 to June 2024 and reports on whether the reforms being implemented and achieving the expected outcomes.
Prescribed List of Medical Devices and Human Tissue Products
This page lists the medical devices and human tissue products private health insurers must pay benefits for to the patients who have appropriate insurance policies. The latest version of the Prescribed List is effective from 1 November 2024.
Baseline evaluation of the Prostheses List reforms – Final report
This evaluation focuses on the Prostheses List reforms, which are running from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2025. Evaluation of these reforms will determine whether the reform program is being implemented as intended.
Consultation Paper 8b – Alignment of amount charged for supply of a device with corresponding PL benefit
This report provides an analysis of stakeholder feedback received in response to the consultation paper on the proposed measure: alignment of amount charged for supply of a device with corresponding PL benefit.
Consultation Paper 8a – Gifts, benefits and discounts reporting requirement
This report provides an analysis of stakeholder feedback received in response to the consultation paper on the proposed measure: Prescribed List (PL) gifts, benefits and discounts reporting requirements.
Consultation Paper 7 – Proposed measures for compliance, assurance and information sharing
This report provides an analysis of stakeholder feedback received in response to the Consultation Paper on the proposed Compliance, Assurance and Information sharing measures for the Prescribed List (PL).
Prescribed List – practical tips on submitting applications
This webinar recording provides practical tips on submitting applications.
Prostheses List Post-Listing review – Consultants report
This report is a review of surgical guides and biomodels currently listed on the Prostheses List.
Advice on the Prescribed List adjusted benefit amounts
These documents contain advice on the Prescribed List (PL) adjusted benefits, resulting from the public benchmarking undertaken by the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA). The documents outline the November 2023 PL benefits, and the adjusted benefits effective 1 July 2024.
Cost Recovery Implementation Statement – Administration of the Prescribed List of Benefits for Medical Devices and Human Tissue Products
This cost recovery implementation statement describes how the Department of Health and Aged Care recovers the costs of administering the Prescribed List of Benefits for Medical Devices and Human Tissue Products.
Terms of reference – Medical Devices and Human Tissue Advisory Committee
Terms of reference
Terms of reference for the Medical Devices and Human Tissue Advisory Committee.
Stakeholder Feedback Report – Consultation Paper 5 Bundling of Benefits for General Use Items
This report provides an analysis of stakeholder feedback received in response to the Prostheses List Reform Consultation Paper 6a – Listing Criteria.
Stakeholder Feedback Report - Prostheses List Reforms Consultation Paper 6(b) Proposed Cost Recovery Arrangements
This report provides an analysis of stakeholder feedback received in response to the Prostheses List Reform Consultation Paper 6b Cost Recovery Arrangements.
Stakeholder Feedback Report – Consultation Paper 6(a) Proposed Listing Criteria
This report provides an analysis of stakeholder feedback received in response to the Prostheses List Reform Consultation Paper 6a - Listing Criteria.
Submissions analysis on the Prostheses List Compliance Strategy
The below report provides analysis of stakeholder feedback to the proposed Prostheses List Compliance Strategy. The submission period for responses was between 14 September and 21 October 2022.
Prescribed List Compliance Strategy – Safeguarding the Prescribed List
Strategy or framework
The below document outlines Prescribed List compliance obligations for relevant stakeholders and the Australian Government.
Prostheses List cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) benefit reductions from 1 July 2023
The below data documents detail cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) that will have their Prostheses List (PL) benefits reduced by 40% of the gap on 1 July 2023.
Supplementary advice on bundling arrangements for General Use Items on the Prostheses List
This report details supplementary advice on bundling arrangements for General Use Items on the Prostheses List.
Prostheses List Reform Consultation Paper 4(a) and 4(b) – Stakeholder feedback report
This report provides an analysis of stakeholder feedback requested through webinars and written responses to the Prostheses List reforms consultation paper 4 (a) and 4 (b).
Changes to the Prostheses List timeframes (2023/24)
This webinar recording provides an overview of the timing and impact of bypassing the March 2024 update and information on the Prostheses List reforms planned for 2023.
Options for a reformed Prostheses List pre-listing assessment framework and governance structure
This report provides a framework and proposes options for governance that would align the Prostheses List processes with those of other health technology assessment processes within the Government. It was developed by Adelaide Health Technology Assessment, under the Prostheses List Reform program.
Prostheses List Reforms – Pre-listing Assessment framework and Governance structure
This report outlines the pre-listing assessment framework and governance structure for the Prostheses List. It also addresses Ernst & Young, and Adelaide Health Technology Assessment options and recommendations.
Review of the Prostheses List advisory committee and associated subcommittees
This review provides options and recommendations for the future governance of the Prostheses List. It was developed by Ernst & Young under the Department’s Prostheses List Reform program.
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