About the Take Home Naloxone program

The Take Home Naloxone (THN) program makes naloxone available free to people who may experience, or witness, an opioid overdose.

About naloxone 

Naloxone is a drug that can temporarily reverse the effects of an opioid overdose or adverse reaction. If someone has overdosed on opioids they will be unconscious or awake, but unable to talk. It’s unlikely they will be able to administer naloxone themselves.  

Naloxone can be taken by injection or delivery through a nasal spray. It works by blocking opioid drugs, such as heroin and oxycodone, from attaching to opioid receptors in the brain. 

After administering naloxone it is vital to call an ambulance (000). Naloxone only lasts about 30-90 minutes and the person can overdose again once it wears off. 

About the Take Home Naloxone program 

The Australian Government is investing $19.6 million over 4 years from 2022-23 to deliver the THN program nationally.   

From 1 July 2022, naloxone is available for free with no prescription. This is for anyone who may experience, or witness, an opioid overdose or adverse reaction. 

This investment ensures access to this life-saving medicine and will also help people access naloxone when needed. 

The program is for: 

  • people who are at risk of an opioid overdose or adverse reaction, their carers, friends and family members 
  • approved providers such as community pharmacists, dispensing doctors and hospital pharmacists 
  • Authorised Alternative Suppliers (AAS) such as needle and syringe programs, alcohol and other drug treatment centres and outreach services.  

Where naloxone is available  

Naloxone will be available at all participating pharmacies across Australia.  

In non-pharmacy settings each state or territory will decide where naloxone will be available. Sites may include: 

  • community and hospital-based pharmacies 
  • alcohol and drug treatment centres 
  • needle and syringe programs 
  • custodial release programs. 

Find out where to access naloxone

Program funding

The Australian Government funds the THN program.  

We oversee the program and are working with state and territory governments on delivery. 

Education and training resources

We have partnered with the Australasian College of Pharmacy (ACP) to develop and deliver THN program education and training resources. This includes:

  • educational flyers
  • naloxone first aid videos
  • free training modules.

Free training modules are available for pharmacists and other AAS services. The pharmacist training is accredited for Continuing Professional Development credits. You must create an account with the ACP to use the modules.

More training material for naloxone is available from the Pharmacy Guild of Australia and the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia

Final evaluation report – Take Home Naloxone pilot 

We contracted the University of Queensland, Institute for Social Science Research to evaluate the take home naloxone pilot. The report presents final findings, covering the pilot start in NSW, SA and WA on 1 December 2019 until 30 June 2021. 

The report used a mix of data collection activities to address the main questions and informed the national rollout. Over the course of the pilot:

  • over 43,000 units of naloxone were dispensed
  • at least 1,649 uses of take home naloxone occurred.

The final report found that the pilot:  

  • helped improve consumer uptake by giving free naloxone to people who may experience or witness an opioid overdose without needing a GP prescription
  • improved access to naloxone for consumers, through availability to a broad range of access sites
  • helped save an estimated 3 lives per day, which includes improvement in both prognosis and reductions in mortality.



Take Home Naloxone program contact

For more information about the Take Home Naloxone program.
Date last updated:

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