What the strengthened Quality Standards will mean for providers and workers

Providers and workers should prepare for the strengthened Quality Standards to take effect with the new Aged Care Act.

Preparing for the new Aged Care Act

Work is under way to draft the strengthened Quality Standards into the new Aged Care Act. We might need to change some of the wording to ensure the strengthened Quality Standards are consistent with language in the legislation. This will not affect the overarching expectations of the strengthened Quality Standards.

Each strengthened Quality Standard has an outcome statement. The outcome statements will be included in the subordinate legislation under the new Act (also called the Rules).

The new Aged Care Act will be supported by the new aged care regulatory model. This model will require all providers to be registered into a registration category depending on the services they deliver. 

Providers will need to meet obligations associated with their registration category. These obligations will help providers to deliver safe, quality and accessible care for older people.

Read the final draft strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards to:

  • understand expectations of the strengthened Quality Standards
  • prepare for the change.

Provider and worker support and guidance

We are working with the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC), the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care and the aged care sector to prepare and manage the implementation of the strengthened Quality Standards. 

The ACQSC has published guidance resources to help aged care providers and workers prepare for the strengthened Quality Standards.

We’re also supporting the ACQSC’s development of guidance material to help providers understand: 

  • their responsibilities 
  • how to conform to the strengthened Quality Standards.

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Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC) protects and enhances the safety, health, wellbeing and quality of life of people receiving aged care.

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC)

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) works in partnership with patients, consumers, clinicians, managers, policy makers and healthcare organisations to achieve a sustainable, safe and high-quality health system.
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