Before providing aged care needs assessment services

Before conducting assessments, aged care needs assessors (assessors) must complete standard training, understand their responsibilities and set up their access and profile for the My Aged Care assessor portal.

Complete required training

All assessors must complete the My Aged Care standard training requirements outlined in the My Aged Care Workforce Learning Strategy 2023.

Assessment Delegates must also complete the My Aged Care Assessment Delegation Training.


New assessors must complete their training via the MAClearning platform.

All online training for the My Aged Care Workforce is available on MAClearning, our learning management system. New assessors will receive an aged care sector recognised certificate of completion.

MAClearning provides new assessors with access to up-to-date learning material and appraisal requirements.

MACLearning provides access to mandatory online training for:

  • Customer Solutions Specialists (CSS) in the My Aged Care Contact Centre
  • Aged Care Specialist Officers (ACSO) in selected Services Australia service centres
  • non-clinical aged care needs assessors
  • clinical aged care needs assessors.

Meeting minimum training requirements

To meet the minimum training requirements for My Aged Care Assessors, you must have either:

  • started work before 1 March 2023 and completed the following My Aged Care standard training:
    • Statement of Attainment 2 (Non-clinical aged care needs assessors only)
    • Statement of Attainment 4 (Clinical aged care needs assessors only)
    • My Aged Care systems training
    • self-paced learning experiences
    • organisations induction training
  • started work after 1 March 2023 and completed the minimum online learning and workplace appraisal activities specified in the My Aged Care Workforce Learning Strategy 2023.

Clinical aged care needs assessors moving into the delegate role for the first time

Clinical aged care needs assessors moving into the Delegate role for the first time must complete the Delegation training on MAClearning.

You must complete training before starting the delegate role, as listed in the My Aged Care Assessment Manual. Current Assessment Delegates will still be compliant and will undertake their refresher training on MAClearning.

Learn more

The learning and training mandatory requirements for the My Aged Care workforce are outlined in the:

The aim of the learning strategy and the Quality Learning Framework is to guide the delivery of quality learning and training for the My Aged Care workforce. This is so the workforce can provide consistent, reliable and high-quality information and services for older people.

Find more information about the new My Aged Care Workforce training.

For more detail, read chapter 24 of the My Aged Care Assessment Manual.

Understand your responsibilities

You must understand and meet your responsibilities as an aged care assessor. Your contract and the My Aged Care Assessment Manual sets out these responsibilities.

Set up access to the My Aged Care assessor portal

As an assessor, you will use the My Aged Care assessor portal to:

  • access referrals for assessment
  • do the assessments
  • develop support plans
  • refer clients to services
  • update client records
  • review support plans.

To access the portal, you need to authenticate your login.

Create and edit staff details

If you’re the administrator in your organisation, you must create staff accounts for all assessors. You can also edit staff details as needed.

To find out more, read:

Download the Aged Care Assessor app

You can use the Aged Care Assessor app to conduct assessments when you do not have internet access. It is compatible with Apple iOS, Android and Microsoft Windows devices.

You can also sideload (manually install) the app on Windows devices using an installation file. To find out more, view the Sideloading of the Aged Care Assessor App User Guide.

Aged Care Assessor App

Aged care assessors can use this app to conduct assessments (using the Integrated Assessment Tool or Australian National Aged Care Classification Assessment Tool). If there is no internet, first download client information from the assessor portal and upload the assessment when back in the office.
Date last updated:

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