Aged care needs assessments

An aged care needs assessment works out a person’s care needs and the types of care and services a person may be eligible for. See how needs assessments work.

  • Before providing aged care needs assessment services

    Before conducting assessments, aged care needs assessors must complete standard training, understand their responsibilities and set up their access and profile for the My Aged Care assessor portal.

  • Accepting aged care needs assessment referrals

    Find out about the resources you can refer to at the referral and triage steps of the assessment process.

  • How aged care needs assessments work

    All My Aged Care contact centre staff and assessors use the Integrated Assessment Tool (IAT). This means the way we screen and assess older people for government-funded aged care services is consistent across Australia.

  • Aged care Support Plan Reviews and reassessments

    Support Plan Reviews help determine if a client is still having their needs met. If deemed necessary, updated changes or a full reassessment of the support plan may result from this review.

  • First Nations Aged Care Assessments

    We fund First Nations assessment organisations to provide culturally safe, trauma aware and healing informed aged care assessments. This empowers older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to access aged care services that meet their needs.

Date last updated:

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