Accepting referrals
Residential care subsidy under the Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) funding model can only be paid if:
- the resident’s provider is an approved provider of residential aged care
- the resident has been assessed and is approved for residential respite or permanent residential care by an aged care needs assessor
- the resident’s care is provided through an accredited residential aged care service
- the resident’s service has an allocation of places
- there is not a restriction on subsidy.
Following the submission of a new client entry record for a resident entering care, a referral for a residential aged care funding assessment is automatically generated.
It is then assigned to one of the assessment organisations that is responsible for conducting residential aged care funding assessments in the service’s area.
Residential aged care funding assessments may also be triggered by requests for reclassification or reconsideration.
Once a referral is received and accepted by an assessment organisation, it will be assigned to a residential aged care funding assessor (assessor) who will arrange for the assessment to be completed.
From the date of referral:
- 90% of all accepted assessments will be completed within 28 calendar days
- 97% of all accepted assessments will be completed within 56 calendar days.
Providers can see the status of the referral in the My Aged Care Service and Support Portal.
Preparing for assessments
Before the assessor arrives, service providers should:
- confirm how many residents will need to be assessed
- check the residents are available for assessment
- prepare staff for the assessor’s visit.
At least 5 days before the assessor arrives, providers should complete the AN-ACC Assessor Pre-Entry Checklist provided by the assessment organisation.
Assessors use various sources, including:
- speaking with staff and residents
- observations
- resident notes and care plans.
When the assessor arrives, service providers should give the assessor:
- a suitable working environment that meets work health and safety standards
- immediate access to all necessary clinical systems
- records and relevant documentation, such as the resident’s
- care plans
- medical records
- wound care
- behaviour charts.
See the AN-ACC funding guide for more information.