Monthly Care Statements pilots

Monthly Care Statements are being implemented in stages. We are working with Liquid Interactive to run a software pilot for aged care providers and software vendors to help automate the statements.

Software pilot

We are working with Liquid Interactive to run a software pilot for aged care providers and software vendors to help automate the statements. The pilot is in response to feedback from aged care providers to reduce the time it takes to produce statements.

The pilot will run from February to April 2025.

Expressions of interest to participate in the pilot have closed. If you have any questions about the pilot, please contact us.

We will update you with more information about the pilot as it progresses.

2023 Monthly Care Statements pilot

In November 2023, Nous Group completed a pilot of Monthly Care Statements.

A total of 40 aged care homes and their residents and representatives took part. 

We used the results of the pilot to make sure the statements contain the most important information for residents, their representatives and families. 

The pilot found the statements helped residents keep track of the care they received. Residents also:

  • felt the statements were a useful reference point for their future care planning 
  • saw benefit in sharing the statements with their family, which improved communication about their care. 

The pilot recommended:

  • a voluntary period to allow aged care providers time to adjust to preparing the statements
  • developing a digital solution to automate the statements.

These recommendations have informed how we are introducing Monthly Care Statements.

We encourage all residential aged care homes to offer verbal or written Monthly Care Statements voluntarily from 1 October 2024. If you are planning to give your residents Monthly Care Statements, let us know so that we can keep you updated.


See our Monthly Care Statements resources.


Monthly Care Statements contact

Contact us for more information about the Monthly Care Statements for residential aged care.
Monthly Care Statements contact
Date last updated:

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