HTA Review public consultations

The Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Review received input from stakeholders through various consultation activities. Our stakeholders represent individuals and groups with a broad range of experiences and knowledge.

Consultation overview

The HTA Review Reference Committee put individuals and organisations at the centre of this review. It consulted extensively to ensure its recommendations were:

  • well-informed
  • reflected the issues and perspectives of all stakeholders.

The reference committee planned the review's consultation activities to ensure all stakeholders could contribute in a meaningful and constructive way:

  • at different phases of the review
  • through different methods to ensure accessibility for our stakeholders with diverse needs and preferences.

Find out more about the approach to consultation in the consultation plan overview.

Consultation 1

Consultation 1 opened on 11 April 2023 and closed on 6 June 2023. It asked for submissions to provide feedback on the goals of the review set out in the terms of reference.


Consultation 1 received 114 submissions through an online survey, emailed submissions and online video forums with the reference committee.

We published the responses from consultation 1 on our consultation hub, and provided the submissions to the reference committee for its consideration.


The consultation 1 report presents a summary and synthesis of submissions received through consultation 1. The Centre for Health Economics Research and Evaluation (CHERE; University of Technology Sydney) developed this report to support the deliberations of the reference committee.

Deep-dive discussions

Expressions of interest for deep-dive discussions with the reference committee were open to all stakeholders from 16 May 2023 to 1 September 2023.

The reference committee held 26 deep dives with 116 participants representing:

  • industry
  • consumers and patients
  • clinicians
  • First Nations People
  • international experts and HTA agencies from other countries
  • state and territory governments.

The aim of the discussions was to help the reference committee gain an in-depth understanding of specific complex topics, issues, challenges and opportunities for HTA.

Options paper

The reference committee considered stakeholder feedback, expert input and extensive research to develop the options paper (Word 2.2 MB), which was published on 25 January 2024.

The options paper presented:

  • an overview of the current state
  • what the reference committee heard from stakeholders
  • the identified issues
  • the options for reform being considered by the reference committee to improve Australia's HTA policies and methods and the funding and approval pathways.

The options paper was workshopped with stakeholders through consultation 2.

Consultation 2

Consultation 2 opened on 25 January 2024 and closed on 23 February 2024. It included an opportunity to make submissions through an online survey, and online and in-person workshops. The aim of consultation 2 was for the reference committee to get feedback on the options set out in its options paper.

The reference committee also held direct discussions with representatives from HTA advisory committees and state and territory governments.

Consultation 2 was the last of multiple consultation activities held during the review.


Consultation 2 received:

  • 139 stakeholder written submissions
  • additional feedback through 3 online workshops and one in-person workshop.

We provided the submissions from Consultation 2 to the reference committee for its consideration. Visit our consultation hub to read the submissions from Consultation 2.


The stakeholder engagement report for Consultation 2 presents a summary and synthesis of submissions received through Consultation 2. Bastion Insights developed this report to support the deliberations of the reference committee.

Final report

The reference committee considered all evidence and input it received throughout consultation 1, consultation 2 and the review to develop its final report.

We thank the individuals and groups who took part in the consultations for their meaningful and constructive contributions to the review.


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HTA Review Secretariat

Contact us about matters related to the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Review or the HTA Review Reference Committee.
Date last updated:

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