Charging for the Disability Support for Older Australians (DSOA) Program services

Some clients pay for some of the DSOA services they access – this is called a client contribution. When clients moved to DSOA, their contributions remained unchanged – they continued to pay the same contributions that they were paying before moving.

Client contributions

Client contributions are payments from a client for their services. When clients joined DSOA, they kept their previous contributions arrangements and financial hardship provisions. 

Client contributions must:

  • be outlined in the client’s Individual Support Package
  • be included in the performance report
  • be checked regularly for client financial hardship
  • not use grant funds.

Client contribution principles

You should follow the following principles: 

  • Continuity – policies in place before the client moved to DSOA should continue.
  • Transparency – policies should be available and accessible to the public and should be given and explained to clients.
  • Hardship – policies should give options to clients who cannot pay.

DSOA service coordinators can use client contributions as they choose.


The DSOA service prices align to the services and rates determined by the National Disability Insurance Agency. DSOA prices allow for overheads, including administrative costs.

Rates vary depending on various factors, such as:

  • where they are delivered (metropolitan or regional areas)
  • the day or time they are delivered – we set the DSOA rates for the time of day/week categories at the highest National Disability Insurance Scheme rates for these categories.

Read more in the DSOA service and pricing schedule

We may review and update the schedule. If we do, we will inform DSOA service coordinators.

Date last updated:

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