Why work as a doctor in Australia?

Read information on how international medical graduates benefit from working as a doctor in Australia and how to access rewards for working in areas that need more doctors.

Areas needing doctors

Some areas of Australia don’t have enough doctors. Jobs are available outside the cities to suit your skills and goals.

There is a Rural Workforce Agency in each state and in the Northern Territory. Rural Workforce Agencies can help you through the process of finding a job in an area that needs doctors.

If you’re looking for a job, contact a Rural Workforce Agency.

Rewards for working in priority areas

As an international medical graduate, there are restrictions on where you can work in Australia. You will need to work in a priority area to begin with.

Priority areas are usually in a regional, rural or remote location.

There are good reasons for you to work in these areas:

  • it is an important step to having your skills recognised
  • the cost of living is low
  • communities are welcoming and supportive
  • there are more job opportunities for International Medical Graduates

Financial incentives are available for working in more remote locations through the General Practice Rural Incentives Program.

The standard of living is high

Our quality health system and job opportunities make Australia a good place for doctors to work and live.

Being a doctor in Australia is a respected profession. You are an important part of the community. You are able to earn a high salary and enjoy excellent job conditions.

You and your family may have access to comprehensive public and private health care and world-class education. 

Education and career growth

In Australia, doctors are always learning and building their skills. If you work in private practice, you will need to join a program to gain vocational recognition. This may lead to more job opportunities.

There may be opportunities to work in the public system and move into a specialisation.

Job satisfaction

At the moment, we need more specialists, including GPs, in regional, rural and remote areas of Australia. People in some of these areas currently do not have access to the health and medical services they need.

You will be helping where your skills will have the biggest impact.

Job security

Australian workplaces encourage staff to support each other. You are also protected by your employment agreement and workplace laws.

You can go to the Fair Work Ombudsman if you feel you are not supported in your job.

Date last updated:

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