MRAC consultations

The MRAC values the diverse perspectives, experience, and knowledge of the stakeholders completing its assessments. Throughout the course of a review, the committee and its working groups engage with stakeholders through different types of consultation.

Involvement in working groups

The department invites subject matter experts to provide advice on current practices and models of care, and gain insights into any current and anticipated challenges. 

Targeted consultation

This involves getting feedback from identified stakeholders on a part of a review or draft findings or recommendations by sharing a draft or findings report.

These stakeholders may include:

  • relevant peak bodies
  • and medical colleges
  • state and territory governments,
  • and consumer representative organisations.

Public consultation

All draft final repots will be available on the department’s Consultation Hub for a six-week public consultation process. 

The MRAC will review the feedback from stakeholders to inform its final recommendations to the Australian Government.

Hybrid consultation

This process involves both targeted and public consultation activities simultaneously.

The MRAC will consider the feedback provided by stakeholders throughout the course of a review and informs its final recommendations to government.

Date last updated:

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