Aged Care Transition Taskforce

The Aged Care Transition Taskforce (Transition Taskforce) was announced by the Australian Government to help the aged care sector transition to the Aged Care Act 2024.


The Transition Taskforce has been engaged to work with the aged care sector through the transition to the new Aged Care Act from 1 July 2025.

The Transition Taskforce provides oversight and stewardship of the: 

The Transition Taskforce is focussed on 5 priority areas:

  • implementing the drafted Rules and other subordinate legislation from 1 July 2025
  • education and training
  • communication and change management support
  • funding and fee structure
  • data and digital.

In practice, the Transition Taskforce will:

  • work to identify and address implementation issues and provide advice to us and the Minister for Aged Care
  • monitor and evaluate the progress of reform projects and initiatives to align with overall strategic objectives 
  • identify and escalate issues that are likely to impact reform implementation and suggest solutions
  • actively maintain high level oversight of risk management activities and identify where risk is not being effectively managed.

The ongoing role of the Transition Taskforce will be assessed once the Aged Care Act is introduced on 1 July 2025.


The Transition Taskforce members have a range of expertise and experience of aged care. Membership includes representation from:

  • older people 
  • approved providers 
  • the workforce 
  • regulation
  • service delivery 
  • education and training
  • data and digital
  • clinical care and primary care.

Anne Burgess AM is the Chair of the taskforce. Anne is also Chair of the Aged Care Council of Elders and a member of the National Aged Care Advisory Council (NACAC).

The Chair is joined by 19 members.

Members of the Transition Taskforce are: 

Anne Burgess AM  Chair
Sonja StewartDeputy Chair

Deputy Secretary, Ageing and Aged Care Group, Department of Health and Aged Care 
Liz Hefren-WebbAged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner 
Professor Tanya BuchananCEO, Dementia Australia
Annie ButlerFederal Secretary, Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation
Professor Jody Currie Professor of Practice, Queensland University of Technology
Dr Paresh Dawda

General Practitioner, Principal and Director

Presantia Health and Next Practice

Tim DymondSenior Policy Analyst, United Workers Union
Craig Gear OAM CEO, Older Persons Advocacy Network
Amanda Hawton 

Executive Director


Australian Unity

Emma HossackCEO, Medical Software Industry Association 
Andrea Kelly Interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner, Department of Health and Aged Care
Claerwen LittleNational Director, UnitingCare Australia
Deidre McGill

Chief Operating Officer

Home & Community Support, Bolton Clarke

Simon Miller CEO, Anglicare
Natalie MolloyHead of Operations and Clinical Governance, HammondCare  
Patricia Sparrow CEO, COTA Australia
Tom Symondson  CEO, Ageing Australia (formerly named Aged and Community Care Providers Association)
Stephen TeulanBoard Chair, Catholic Healthcare
Lloyd WilliamsNational Secretary, Health Services Union

Observers/co-opted representatives: 

  • Department of Health and Aged Care
  • Services Australia and other Australian Government representatives as required


The Transition Taskforce meets regularly to identify and address implementation issues and provide expert advice to support a smooth transition to the new Aged Care Act.

The Transition Taskforce meets every 2 weeks or as required to discuss priority areas to support the transition process. 

Members contribute across their areas of expertise to identify issues and propose solutions.

The Chair leads meetings and guides the work of the Transition Taskforce with the support of the Deputy Chair and members.

Read the Aged Care Transition Taskforce – Terms of Reference.

Meeting summaries

View a summary of topics discussed at each meeting:


Find information to support your transition to the new Aged Care Act including links to topics discussed at our meetings:

Related committees or groups

The Aged Care Council of Elders are a direct voice to government on behalf of older people about changes to aged care and ageing well. Anne Burgess AM is the Chair of the Council of Elders.

The National Aged Care Advisory Council provides independent advice to the government on aged care policy with a focus on the aged care reforms.

Related information

Find out more about:


Aged Care Transition Taskforce contact

The Aged Care Transition Taskforce (Transition Taskforce) has been established to help the aged care sector transition to the Aged Care Act 2024.
Date last updated: