Alcohol is never safe, but you can reduce your risk. Learn about alcohol – when it’s legal, reducing your risk and alcohol and driving.
Bladder and bowel health
Bladder and bowel health problems can be an issue for young people. Find out what the main problems are and how to manage them.
Bladder and bowel for young people
Dental health
Dental health is important for general health and wellbeing. Having healthy teeth, mouth and gums means you can eat, drink and speak without pain or discomfort. Poor dental health can affect your nutrition and social life and lead to more costly dental care in the future.
Illicit drugs are never safe, and the impact on your health and life can be harmful. Learn about drugs – how they affect you, the laws that apply and how to reduce your risk at parties and events.
Being up to date with immunisations helps prevent you getting sick from preventable diseases. Some vaccines are provided free under the National Immunisation Program.
Mental health and suicide prevention
Being young can be hard sometimes. Anxiety, depression and other mental health issues can affect young people. Find out about tools to help you look after your mental health and how to get support.
Mental health, suicide prevention and young people
Palliative care
Special end-of-life (palliative) care is available for young people and their families. Find out more about finding the right type of palliative care.
Palliative care for young people
Smoking, vaping and tobacco
Smoking tobacco is harmful at any age. Cigarettes contain tobacco, a drug usually breathed in as smoke. The main chemical in tobacco, nicotine, is highly addictive. Nicotine may also be found in e-cigarettes. Young people can become addicted to nicotine very quickly. Smoking and vaping cause preventable illness and death. Learn about smoking and vaping – its health risks, what laws apply and tips for saying ‘no’ or quitting.