Australian National Breastfeeding Strategy

Breastfeeding has many benefits for babies and mothers, but many factors influence whether a mother breastfeeds. The 'Australian National Breastfeeding Strategy: 2019 and beyond' provides a national framework to support mothers to breastfeed and increase the number of babies who are breastfed.

Aims of the strategy

The Australian National Breastfeeding Strategy guides Australian Government, and state, territory and local government policies and programs to effectively support parents and their babies throughout their breastfeeding journey. 

It sets out a vision, objectives, principles, priority areas and action areas to provide a supportive and enabling environment for breastfeeding. 

The strategy aims to:  

  • increase the number of babies who are breastfed 

  • ensure access to education, support and clinical care services 

  • increase the number of breastfeeding-friendly settings and environments  

  • strengthen regulation around the marketing of infant formula 

  • improve education and training for health professionals 

  • raise awareness of the significance of breastfeeding. 

How we developed the strategy

We worked with the state and territory governments to develop the strategy on behalf of the Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council through:  

  • the Breastfeeding Jurisdictional Officials Group 

  • a breastfeeding expert reference group.  

In developing the strategy, we: 

Previous strategies

The previous strategy (2010 to 2015) was developed following the 2007 Parliamentary Inquiry into the Health Benefits of Breastfeeding

It resulted in significant national achievements, including:  

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