Our related work
Accelerated Research initiative
Accelerated Research has been consolidated into the Emerging Priorities and Consumer-Driven Research initiative under the MRFF 10-year Investment Plan. This initiative supported researchers working to develop new treatments and cures for debilitating conditions, in areas of identified unmet need.
Australian Brain Cancer Mission
The Australian Brain Cancer Mission is investing $136.66 million to support research into brain cancer. It aims to double the survival rates and improve the quality of life of patients with brain cancer.
Biomedical Translation Bridge initiative
The Biomedical Translation Bridge (BTB) is now part of the Medical Research Commercialisation initiative under the MRFF 10-year Investment Plan.
BioMedTech Horizons initiative
BioMedTech Horizons is now part of the Medical Research Commercialisation initiative under the MRFF 10-year Investment Plan.
Boosting Preventive Health Research initiative
This initiative invested $10 million in research to help promote good health practice, prevent disease and keep people out of hospital.
Cardiovascular Health Mission
The Cardiovascular Health Mission is investing $220 million. It brings together researchers, health professionals, industry and patients to make transformative improvements in heart and vascular health and stroke for all Australians.
Clinical Trials Activity initiative
The Clinical Trials Activity initiative will provide $750 million over 10 years from 2024–25. It will help Australian researchers and patients test new treatments through national and international clinical trials. It will also support research on rare cancers, rare diseases and unmet needs.
Clinician Researchers initiative
The Clinician Researchers initiative will provide $200 million over 10 years from 2024–25 to support the next generation of talented Australian researchers. It will support health care professionals researching topics important to clinical care.
Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission
The Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission is investing $185 million. It supports older Australians to maintain their health and quality of life as they age, live independently for longer, and access quality care when they need it.
Early to Mid-Career Researchers initiative
The Early to Mid-Career Researchers initiative will invest $433.6 million over 10 years from 2024–25 in early to mid-career researchers (EMCRs). The initiative will build and grow research capacity and capability in Australia by supporting EMCRs to continue their health and medical research careers.
Emerging Priorities and Consumer-Driven Research initiative
The Emerging Priorities and Consumer-Driven Research initiative will provide $653.6 million over 10 years from 2024–25. It will support high-quality research that improves patient care, translates new discoveries into practice, and encourages consumers and researchers to work together.
Frontier Health and Medical Research initiative
The Frontier Health and Medical Research initiative will provide $700 million over 10 years from 2024–25 to support researchers to develop new health and medical breakthroughs.
Genomics Health Futures Mission
The Genomics Health Futures Mission is investing $500.1 million in genomic research. It will improve testing and diagnosis for many diseases, help personalise treatment options to better target and improve health outcomes. It will also reduce unnecessary interventions and health costs.
Global Health initiative
The Global Health initiative will provide $30 million over 10 years from 2024–25 to fund projects that improve our understanding of global health threats and how best to tackle them.
Indigenous Health Research Fund
The Indigenous Health Research Fund is investing $160 million in Indigenous-led research to tackle health issues facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
International Clinical Trial Collaboration (ICTC) initiative
The International Clinical Trial Collaboration (ICTC) initiative has been consolidated into the Clinical Trials Activity initiative under the MRFF 10-year Investment Plan. ICTC supported Australian researchers to conduct clinical trial research in collaboration with international researchers.
Keeping Australians out of Hospital initiative
Keeping Australians out of Hospital has been consolidated into the Preventive and Public Health Research initiative under the MRFF 10-year Investment Plan. This initiative supported research into preventive health measures for chronic health conditions, to keep people out of hospital.
Lifting Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity – Clinical Trials Networks initiative
Lifting Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity – Clinical Trials Networks initiative has been consolidated into a part of the Clinical Trials Activity initiative under the MRFF 10-year Investment Plan.
Maternal Health and First 2000 Days/Women’s Health initiative
Maternal Health and First 2000 Days/Women’s Health has been consolidated into the Preventive and Public Health Research initiative under the MRFF 10-year Investment Plan.
Medical Research Commercialisation initiative
The Medical Research Commercialisation initiative will provide $450 million over 10 years from 2024–25 to support innovative early stage health and medical research in Australia. It will help researchers transform ideas into life-saving medicines, devices and treatments to help future patients.
Medical Research Future Fund
The Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) is a $22 billion long-term investment supporting Australian health and medical research. The MRFF aims to transform health and medical research and innovation to improve lives, build the economy and contribute to health system sustainability.
Million Minds Mental Health Research Mission
The Million Minds Mental Health Research Mission is investing $125 million to support a million Australians with mental health issues. This funding will enable access to new approaches to prevention, diagnosis, treatment and recovery.
MRFF projects
The Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) supports Australian health and medical research. Read about some of our projects.
National Clinical Quality Registry Program
The Australian Government is investing $40 million over 4 years to set up a National Clinical Quality Registry Program.
National Critical Research Infrastructure initiative
This initiative will provide $600 million over 10 years from 2024–25 for research infrastructure that will be used to conduct world-class health and medical research.
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