About the initiative
We invested $5 million over 4 years in the Australian Clinical Trials Alliance to build the capacity of our Clinical Trials Networks (CTNs).
Why it was important
CTNs are groups of doctors, nurses, and other health and research professionals working together to identify important clinical questions.
CTNs are the backbone of investigator-led clinical trials aiming to improve public health and eradicate disease. They lead to improved clinical trial productivity, improved outcomes for patients and cost savings to the health system. High-impact trials conducted by CTNs can provide a return of $5.80 for every research dollar invested.
Funding supported a national alliance partner working with CTNs to improve:
- collaboration
- clinical trial best practice
- knowledge exchange
The purpose of this research funding was to:
- provide better access to and increase recruitment of patients into clinical trials across Australia
- better design the quality and efficiency of clinical trials across Australia
- translate research into clinical practice
Who worked with us
The Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) continues to fund this activity through the Clinical Trials Activity initiative.
This initiative has been consolidated into the ongoing MRFF Clinical Trials Activity initiative.
For more information, contact us.