Aged care resources

A list of resources – including apps, audio and video resources and other publications – about aged care.

My Aged Care has resources that the aged care sector can order to share with their clients. This includes brochures, booklets and checklists. These resources are also available in up to 22 other languages.


Palliative care status form

Approved aged care providers must complete and submit the most recent version of this form each time you request AN-ACC Class 1 status for a care recipient. The form is available in 14 languages to help care recipients understand it, but you must complete the English version (a legal requirement).

Higher Everyday Living Fee fact sheet

This fact sheet provides an overview on the Higher Everyday Living Fee that will be introduced on 1 July 2025. It includes useful information on the new fee and the transition from previous arrangements for both providers and consumers.
Date last updated:

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