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Public news
Webinar: Award wage increase for nurses in aged care
We are hosting a webinar to inform providers about how funding will be delivered for the next Fair Work Commission award wage increase for nurses in aged care.
A new resource is now available to help providers transition to Support at Home
The Support at Home Provider Program Transition Guide is now available to help providers transition to Support at Home.
Aged care clinical placements available to nursing students
High-quality clinical placements in the aged care sector are now available to nursing students through the Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placements Program.
Apply now for the Aged Care Wages – Stage 3 Historical Leave Liabilities Grant
A grant opportunity is now open to help aged care providers cover some of the increased value of leave entitlements for workers affected by the Fair Work Commission’s Stage 3 decision from 1 January 2025.
The 2025 Senior Australian of the Year is...
Congratulations to the 2025 Senior Australian of the Year, Brother Thomas Oliver Pickett AM!
Express interest for a menu and mealtime review program
Residential aged care providers can express interest in a free onsite menu and mealtime review program by an accredited practising dietitian to get ready for the strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards.
Support your older community to stay well this holiday season
The holiday season is here, a time for spending with friends, family and loved ones. Support your older community to stay well and make sure everyone is on top of their vaccinations.
New Single Assessment System workforce
The new Single Assessment System workforce will make it easier for older people to enter aged care and access different services as their needs change.
Release of the National Dementia Action Plan 2024–2034
The National Dementia Action Plan 2024–2034 aims to improve the quality of life for people living with dementia, their carers and families.
Aged Care Capital Assistance Program (ACCAP) – Residential-based Aged Care Services Grant Opportunity (GO6989) results
We have announced the results of the latest ACCAP Grant Opportunity. Find out how many applications we received, and which aged care providers received grants.
Apply for the 2024–25 Fair Work Commission Stage 3 (Tranche 1) CHSP Base Funding Grant Opportunity
A grant opportunity is now open to help eligible Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) providers to meet award wage increases for some aged care workers from 1 January 2025.
New Aged Care Bill passes Parliament
Parliament passed the Aged Care Bill on 25 November which means that after Royal Assent the new Aged Care Act will start from 1 July 2025.
myGovID is now myID
The Australian Government’s Digital ID app, myGovID has changed its name to myID. The app allows you to securely log into and use government services online.
Celebrating inspiring older Australians
The 2025 Senior Australian of the Year state and territory award winners have been announced.
Home Care Package subsidy increasing to pass on wage rise
We are increasing the Home Care Package subsidy on 1 January 2025 to pass on the Fair Work Commission Stage 3 decision to increase award wages for eligible workers.
Register for the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) 2025–27 extension webinar
We are hosting a webinar for CHSP providers on the 2025–27 grant extension process and update on what the new Aged Care Act will mean for the CHSP.
Act now for a dementia-friendly future during Dementia Action Week
This week is Dementia Action Week (16–22 September 2024) and the theme is ‘act now for a dementia friendly future’.
Milestone reached for new aged care law
The Australian Government has introduced the Aged Care Bill 2024 to Parliament. The Bill is for a new Aged Care Act – the main law that sets out how the aged care system operates. It will deliver major aged care reforms.
Be aware of aged care scams
We are aware of scammers targeting older people and their families by impersonating aged care providers.
Have your say on aged care quality indicators
We’re looking for volunteers to take part in one-hour online focus groups to get feedback on the aged care quality indicators.
Prepare clients for 3G network switch off
From 1 September 2024, major telecommunications providers will be switching off their 3G network. This may impact older people using 3G enabled devices, such as personal medical or alert alarms. Find out how you can prepare.
New incentive payment for general practitioners to ensure better health services for aged care residents
The General Practice in Aged Care Incentive supports aged care residents to receive regular visits from their general practitioner (GP) and the care team with an ongoing care plan.
Guide for best practice design in residential aged care
The National Aged Care Design Principles and Guidelines outline practical changes aged care providers can make to improve residents’ quality of life.
Nominate someone inspiring for an Australian of the Year Award
Nominate an inspiring older person or someone making a difference to the lives of older people for a 2025 Australian of the Year Award.
New Aged Care Data and Digital Strategy published
The Aged Care Data and Digital Strategy and Action Plan 2024–2029, sets our direction to deliver the highest quality, person-centred care for older people. This will drive a sustainable and productive care and support economy, through data and digital innovation.
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