Workers to benefit
We are continuing to support the Fair Work Commission’s decisions on the Aged Care Work Value Case.
The Fair Work Commission has determined further award wage increases for many aged care workers, ranging between 2.3% and 13.5%.
From 1 January 2025, workers started to receive increases to their award wage.
For some workers, award wages will increase in 2 phases, with the second increase occurring on 1 October 2025.
These award wage increases apply to:
- assistants in nursing
- personal care workers
- home care workers
- recreational activities officers (lifestyle workers)
- ancillary staff – such as administration staff, drivers, maintenance staff, gardeners, laundry hands, cleaners and food services assistants.
These wage increases apply to workers on the:
- Aged Care Award 2010
- Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010 (SCHADS Award).
These increases build on the 15% award wage increase provided in 2023 to:
- registered nurses
- enrolled nurses
- assistants in nursing
- personal care workers and home care workers
- head chefs and cooks
- recreational activities officers (lifestyle workers).
For advice and assistance on the awards and enterprise agreements, workers may contact the Fair Work Ombudsman either by calling 13 13 94 between 8am – 5:30pm Monday to Friday (AEST), or by sending an online enquiry. Information on the award rates, including pay guides and a pay and conditions tool, can be found on the Fair Work Ombudsman’s website.
We are supporting the award wage increases, including on-costs and the increased cost of historical leave liabilities.
Aged care providers will receive additional funding through existing funding arrangements and new grant opportunities.
Privately funded facilities – such as independent living and retirement villages not funded by the Australian Government – will not be eligible to receive funding to meet the Fair Work Commission's decisions on award wage increase.
Learn more about the funding arrangements for the wage rise for:
- residential aged care
- Home Care Packages Program
- Commonwealth Home Support Programme
- National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program
- Short-Term Restorative Care Programme
- Transition Care Programme.
Apply for Aged Care Wages – Stage 3 Historical Leave Liabilities (Tranche 1) Grant Opportunity
This grant will help aged care providers cover some of the increased value of historical leave liabilities for workers affected by the Fair Work Commission’s Stage 3 decision in the Aged Care Work Value Case.
The grant will help supplement 1 January 2025 award increases to leave entitlements by:
- 25% for residential aged care providers
- 50% for Home Care Package, Commonwealth Home Support Programme, Transition Care Programme, Short-Term Restorative Care Programme and National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care providers.
Multi-Purpose Services providers will receive their leave liabilities funding through existing funding agreements and are not eligible for this grant.
Providers will need to apply online via GrantConnect before 2pm (AEDT) 6 March 2025.
If you have further questions, email and quote GO7428.
Aged care worker wages guidance
A guidance document is available to support aged care workers, union representatives and providers as funding arrangements for Phase 1 of Stage 3 of the Aged Care Work Value Case rolls out.
Providers of residential aged care and Home Care Packages can still access the guidance document to help them understand the additional funding for the Stage 2 decision.