I’ve learnt something today. I’ve learnt that aged care isn’t just about helping people with their washing or making them lunch. It’s a lot more than that. It’s about helping people live the life they want to, helping them do the things they can still do and supporting them with the things they want to do. I learnt that I’m there to help them be independent, that I’ve go to listen to them and see what they want to see through their eyes.
Sorry I’m late.
We can talk about it later. Charlie will be waiting.
Oh yeah. We’re picking him up today. Let’s go.
Steady on there. Slow down.
Samuel you go help Charlie into the bus. I just need to talk to his daughter Sally about that doctor’s visit he has next week.
Come on Charlie.
We haven’t got time for this.
Come on Charlie. Jump in. Let’s go.
Samuel. Hey wait up a minute.
You can’t work this way with Charlie.
I just want to get him to breakfast on time.
That’s what you want. What does Charlie want? Let’s have a look and see things through his eyes, through Charlie’s eyes.
I can walk to that car. It’s not that far.
You know what Charlie wants? He wants to walk from his house to us at aged care.
§(Music Playing)§
He’s a proud man. Used to be a stockman.
How do you think Charlie feels?
I’m a little bit weak now but I can get stronger again. I’m going to walk to that place. First to this motor, then the end of the road, then another day a bit further. Then one day I’ll walk all the way. I might need this walker but that’s okay. I can do this. I can do it on my own. I can stay strong.
I just wanted to get him to breakfast, get the job done.
That’s not the job. Our job is to help Charlie live the life he wants to.
Even if it takes a bit longer?
Yes. Even if it takes a bit longer.
Yeah. I see.
Our job is not to do everything for Charlie but help him do the things he wants that make his life better. If you do everything for him he’ll do less and less. His legs will get weaker and weaker ‘til he can’t walk anymore. That’s not what he wants. That’s not proper caring. That’s not proper aged care. You beginning to see?
Yeah. I can see that now. See through Charlie’s eyes.
§(Music Playing)§
Now you see aged care is not just about getting the job done. It’s about helping people live the life they want.
Wellness and reablement, as well as helping a person receiving care work towards their goals, are essential concepts that are embedded in the Australian aged care model.
Use this facilitator guide to support discussion about the concepts of wellness and reablement in aged care.
Stories, people and places are based on individuals from different communities in East Arnhem Land. For cultural appropriateness, names have been changed.