Video series
Stories, people and places are based on individuals from different communities in East Arnhem Land. For cultural appropriateness, names have been changed.
The interview – Introduction to aged care video
This video shows Tamika visiting the aged care centre and having an interview with Enid, the Manager. The video explains what might happen during an interview and the questions they may ask. It also expands on why aged care is important for older people.First day at work – Introduction to aged care video
This video helps new employees understand what might happen on the first day and address some of their concerns about the unknown.Personal protective equipment – Introduction to aged care video
In this video, Tamika learns about using PPE to keep herself and people receiving care safe by using PPE. In aged care, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is anything workers wear or use to keep themselves or the people they care for safe.Safe handling of chemicals – Introduction to aged care video
In this video, Samuel learns the correct way of handling and storing chemicals used in his workplace.Vaccination and infection control – Introduction to aged care video
This video also explains toolbox talks and short education sessions that are used to inform and educate staff on a safety topic. The topic that the coordinator is covering is about controlling infection through vaccination.Wellness and reablement – Introduction to aged care video
In this video, Samuel learns that by making Charlie do things his way, 'just get the job done that day’, he might make things worse for Charlie in the long term.Intake and assessment – Introduction to aged care video
This video explores one of the ways that older people may access aged care services and the processes that are involved.Following the service plan – Introduction to aged care video
In this video, we look at a service plan and why a staff member needs to follow the plan.Scope of practice – Introduction to aged care video
This video explores some common areas where care staff might be inadvertently working outside their scope of practice simply because they want to help a client.Duty of care – Introduction to aged care video
This video explores working in the aged or disability sector where you have a legal and moral responsibility to keep the people you support safe from harm while using your service or in your care.Neglect – Introduction to aged care video
In the video, the staff are expressing concern about one of the people receiving care through the aged care program, Charlie, a senior man who relies on others for support, has been left alone and without support by his family. The staff talk about this neglect.Complaints and feedback – Introduction to aged care video
This video explores both complaints and feedback in the aged care sector.Risk awareness and incident response – Introduction to aged care video
This video introduces an incident that occurs at the aged care centre and aims to help care staff understand what to look out for and how to respond appropriately if something does escalate into an incident.Care plan review and responding to changes in an older person – Introduction to aged care video
In this video, Tamika learns about the need to review a person's care plan and services after they have experienced a significant adverse health event.Privacy and confidentiality – Introduction to aged care video
This video emphasises the need for aged care staff to protect the private and sensitive information held by the organisation.Dignity of risk – Introduction to aged care video
This video explores dignity of risk which is another way of saying that a person has the right to live the life they choose, even if those choices may involve some risk.
Facilitator guides
These facilitator guides support discussions about important aged care concepts.
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Health sector