Government Provider Management System – Adding users in GPMS

This video shows you how to add users to the Government Provider Management System.


Welcome to the Government Provider Management System Training video series.

In this video, we will demonstrate adding users to GPMS. Specifically, we will cover the distinction between adding at the organisation and service levels and the user access roles that can be assigned to new users.

One of your tasks will be to add new users to the GPMS.

To do this, select the manage users link at the top of the screen.

In the manage user screen, you will be able to add new GPMS users at the ACO level as well as at the provider level.

The user access options will differ depending on the option selected.

Ensure ACO account is highlighted at the left of the screen and then select the ADD new user button.

The ADD new ACO user screen will display.

Under the user details, enter the new user’s company email address, and then select the next button.

Additional fields will display.

Enter the new users Salutation, first name, surname and date of birth.

At the bottom of the screen are the user roles. At the ACO level, new users can be added as organisation administrators like yourself or just as a star ratings reviewer.

Users at the ACO level who are given the star ratings reviewer role will be able to view the star ratings for the whole of the organisation.

Tick the checkboxes of the roles you want to add to the new user and select the Add User button.

The manage users screen will display again and a green banner will display at the top of the screen advising the new user was created.

The new user will receive an email advising they have had an account created for them in GPMS.

They will need to select the link in the email to log in to complete their registration.

If they require any assistance they can view the ‘Logging into GPMS’ as part of this training series.

To add a user at the provider level, select the provider option at the left hand side of the screen and then select the Add New User button.

In the ADD new provider user screen, under the user details, enter the user's company email address and select the next button.

The additional user details will display.

Enter the new user salutation, first name, surname and date of birth.

The user role available for a provider level user is currently limited to star ratings reviewer service.

This means they will not have organisation wide star ratings visibility. Instead, they will only have

visibility of the star ratings for providers, they are allowed to view.

Tick star ratings reviewer (service) checkbox.

A list of services available under the provider will display.

All services will select all of the providers under the service, or you can select the providers individually.

Tick the checkbox of the provider you want to allow access to for the new user and then select the add user button.

The manage users screen will display again with the green banner advising an email has been sent to the new user.

As with the ACO level new user, the provider new user will need to select the link in the email and complete their registration by signing into GPMS for the first time.

Thank you for watching this training video on adding users to GPMS.

Take the time to view other training videos in this series on logging into GPMS and editing user access roles.

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