Learn about Star Ratings
Read about Star Ratings and how it helps improve aged care homes.
How Star Ratings works
Learn about the 4 sub-categories and how to use them to compare aged care homes.
Quality improvement guidance
Find resources and practical advice for providers to improve their care quality.
Have your say
We are seeking views on Star Ratings. Find out how you can get involved.
See providers' Star Ratings
Use the ‘Find a provider’ tool to search for aged care homes and see their Star Ratings overall and across 4 sub-categories – Residents' Experience, Compliance, Staffing and Quality Measures.
If you are an older person, family member or carer who would like to speak with someone about Star Ratings, call the My Aged Care Contact Centre on 1800 200 422 from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 2pm Saturday.
If you are a residential aged care provider in need of assistance, contact the My Aged Care Service Provider and Assessor Helpline on 1800 836 799 from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 2pm Saturday.