Specialist Dementia Care Program (SDCP) – Information Booklet

The Specialist Dementia Care Program (SDCP) Information Booklet provides information for families and carers looking for specialised dementia care support services. The booklet includes an overview of program eligibility and referral requirements and where to go to for further dementia support.


Specialist Dementia Care Program (SDCP) – Information Booklet

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General public

The Australian Government’s Specialist Dementia Care Program (SDCP) provides transitional support and care for people living with very severe behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia.

The SDCP offers temporary care with a goal to stabilise and reduce a person’s behavioural symptoms with a supported transition into a less intensive care setting.

More information on the SDCP referral and assessment process is available by contacting DSA on 1800 699 799 or via their website at www.dementia.com.au.

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