Shared Actions to Support all Diverse Older People: a Guide for Aged Care Providers

This plan sets out the actions that aged care providers can take to support the Aged Care Diversity Framework.


Shared Actions to Support all Diverse Older People: a Guide for Aged Care Providers

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Strategy or framework
Health sector

This action plan supports the Aged Care Diversity Framework.

The plan:

  • guides providers on how to deliver more inclusive and culturally appropriate services to older people
  • helps providers to work out what actions they can take
  • recognises that each provider will start from a different place and operate in a different context

Providers can work through the 3 levels of actions in the plan:

  • foundational
  • next steps
  • leading the way

They can decide which actions are most relevant to their organisation by talking to their staff and the people they provide services to.

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