Serious Incident Response Scheme for Commonwealth-funded residential aged care – model for implementation

The Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) model for implementation paper outlines the structure and operation of the SIRS for residential aged care.


Serious Incident Response Scheme for Commonwealth-funded residential aged care – model for implementation

The serious incident response scheme (SIRS) model for implementation paper outlines the structure and operation of the SIRS for residential aged care. 

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Strategy or framework
General public

The paper sets out the structure and operation of the Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) for residential aged care and flexible care delivered in a residential aged care setting, including:

  • definitions of incidents and categorisation of incidents based on resident harm
  • requirements and timing and reporting of incidents in a staged approach
  • compliance functions and powers of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission to administer the SIRS
  • public reporting of SIRS incidents by the commission. 

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