QI Program data recording templates

This data recording template is for government-subsidised residential aged care providers to record QI Program data for a single service. This template calculates and summarises data for each quality indicator for submission through the My Aged Care provider portal.


QI Program data recording templates

This template should be used to record Quality Indicator data to assist with inputting into the Government Provider Management System.

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Health sector

Section1 – Data for provider portal reporting

Section 1 captures the data you are required to enter into the My Aged Care provider portal each quarter. Fields in this section are locked and not able to be edited. The values in this section will automatically populate based on your completion of Section 2 below.

Section 2 – Data collection

Please enter data in Section 2. Measurements and assessments must be made exactly as described in the QI Program Manual 2.0 – Part A (Manual).

Instructions for how to complete each fields are provided in the template.

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