Nurses – Australia’s Future Health Workforce reports

These reports present long-term, national workforce projections for nurses to 2030. They are part of our series on Australia’s Future Health Workforce.


Overview report

Detailed report

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General public

The Australia’s Future Health Workforce reports on nurses are a revision of the projections originally published in 2012 in Health Workforce 2025 Volumes 1 and 2: Doctors, nurses and midwives. 

We present the reports in 2 parts:  

  • Overview report – presents the recommendations proposed in the report and the summary findings of each scenario modelled in the report, the methodology used in workforce planning for the nursing workforce, and the data sources used in producing the projections. 

  • Detailed report – provides a more substantial presentation of the scenarios and describes the policy context for the alternative skill-mix scenarios modelled in the report. 

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