National Medicines Policy

This document outlines how we work with state and territory governments, the health and medicines industry, consumers and the media to ensure Australians have fair and affordable access to medicines.


National Medicines Policy

National Medicines Policy - plain language version

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Publication date:
Date last updated:
Publication type:
Strategy or framework
General public

The aim of the policy is to make sure:

  • All Australians have fair, timely, reliable and affordable access to high-quality medicines and medicines services.
  • Medicines are used safely and correctly. People have the information they need to make informed choices, and healthcare is well organised and based on their needs.
  • There is support to encourage world-class innovation and research. This includes research that results in new treatments, medicines and medicine services in Australia.

Review of the National Medicines Policy

The National Medicines Policy was first published in 2000. During 2021 and 2022 the Department of Health and Aged Care conducted a review process that included extensive public consultations. A refreshed policy was delivered to the Australian Government in December 2022 and a Final Consultation Report is available.


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