Environmental Health Standing Committee (enHealth) Strategic Plan 2016 to 2020

This strategic plan outlines what the Environmental Health Standing Committee (enHealth) will work on between 2016 and 2020.


Environmental Health Standing Committee (enHealth) Strategic Plan 2016 to 2020

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Publication date:
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Publication type:
Health sector

This strategic plan outlines the work of enHealth until 2020. It details the committee's strategic objectives and 7 key focus areas. These are:

  1. timely coordinated evidence based response on environmental health issues of national concern
  2. development and dissemination of practical and evidence based guidelines to support nationally consistent risk communication and risk management of significant environmental health issues of concern to the community
  3. national science policy and practice frameworks for environmental health
  4. sufficient and appropriately skilled workforce to address future environmental health challenges
  5. strengthened workforce practice to address health inequalities arising from environmental hazards in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
  6. nationally consistent frameworks for public and environmental health regulation
  7. effective networking and partnerships with other stakeholders to ensure a coordinated approach in addressing environmental risks to health

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