Coronavirus (COVID-19) at a glance – 27 October 2020

This infographic provides a quick view of the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation in Australia on 27 October 2020.


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As at 3pm on 27 October 2020, a total of 27,541 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Australia, including 905 deaths and  25,055 have been reported as recovered from COVID-19. 

  • Over the past week, there has been an average of 16 new cases reported each day. Of the newly reported cases, the majority have been from New South Wales.
  • COVID-19 cases were reported across all ages.
    • The median age of all cases is 37 years (range: 0 to 106 years).
    • The median age of deaths is 86 years (range: 27 to 106 years).
  • There is a relatively equal ratio of male-to-female cases across most age groups.
  • Following a peak of cases at the end of March, low numbers of cases were reported each day until early-June 2020. From mid-June 2020, cases increased and peaked in early August 2020 and then declined. Since late-September 2020, a low number of new cases continue to be reported each day.
  • Of cases with a reported place of acquisition, 80% were locally acquired.
  • The overall proportion of cases under investigation in each state and territory is relatively low, indicating that public health actions, including case identification and contact tracing, is occurring in a timely manner.
  • To date, over 8,598,500 tests have been conducted nationally. Of those tests conducted 0.3% have been positive.
  • The ‘cases in aged care services’ table presents the number of cases that have been reported among care recipients in Australian Government subsidised Residential and In Home Care settings in each state and territory.

View the latest information on our current situation and case numbers page

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