First day at work – Introduction to aged care video

This video helps new employees understand what might happen on the first day and address some of their concerns about the unknown.


§(Music Playing)§


Samuel starts work today.


Yeah. Tamika starts as well. It’s good to have these young ones working with us.


Yeah. Remember when you started working here Judith?


That was a long, long time ago.


But you still remember?


Yes I remember. But don’t get me started. We have to show these young ones what working in aged care is all about and how to do things the right way. Come with us and you’ll see too.

§(Music Playing)§

[Visual of slide with text saying ‘Tamika & Samuel’s First Day’]


Hi Tamika. Hi Samuel. Good to see you here on time. There is an attendance book over on the table. Just sign next to your name and write down the time.

You need to do that every morning. You’ll also need to write down the time you finish at the end of the day. Good. Now Tamika you’ll be working with Judith. Samuel you’re working with Lance. They’ll find you a uniform shirt and a place to put your personal things like your bag while you’re at work.

§(Music Playing)§


Yeah. That one looks like it fits okay. You have two shirts. So just make sure you wash them after every day so you can come to work clean and fresh. Now what about your shoes? You have to wear covered shoes when you work here. You might hurt your feet otherwise.


I have some canvas shoes in my bag. I just wasn’t sure what I needed.


That’s okay. Put them on and put your bag away.

§(Music Playing)§

Mmm hmm.

You need to put your phone in the locker as well. We can’t use our phones while we’re looking after people here at the centre. We’ve got to keep our mind on the job and not get distracted.

If you have to go out you can take it though just in case Enid needs to call you. And you can use it during your lunch break.

Now come on. We have lots to do. Let me show you the list of jobs for today.

§(Music Playing)§


And this is the kitchen. We don’t come in here unless we’re working in here just to make sure that we keep the food safe. If you want to make a coffee or tea you can do that over in that corner but make sure you wash your hands first. We have to keep everything really clean here because old people get sick easily.

Hey Charlie. How are you this morning?


That leg feeling better?


No. It’s still paining me. I’ve got to talk to that clinic mob about that rubbing medicine.


Okay. You need us to take you there after breakfast?


Yeah. I need to get to that store as well.


Okay. We’ll drop you off at the clinic and then when we go to pick up Andy we’ll come get you as well.

§(Music Playing)§

You’ve got to take the time to talk to the old men because they’re the bosses here. This aged care, it’s here for them so we have to listen and find out what they need.


So we do what they tell us?


Not everything. We have to keep them strong and independent. But if they ask for something that is in their care plan then we do it for them. Old Charlie, he can’t walk far anymore, so we give him a lift to the clinic or the store when he needs it. You’ll get to know more about each person over time.


Okay. I could do with a smoke break now.


You can’t smoke around clients or near the centre. I’ll show you where the smoking area is. You can take a break in 15 minutes. First come and help me clear away breakfast.


My head’s really full of new things.


There are many things to learn about working in aged care. Come on. Let’s keep going.

§(Music Playing)§


Coming back tomorrow?




How about you Samuel?


Yeah. I’m liking this job.


Don’t forget to ask your supervisor if you have any questions about your job.

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This video helps new employees understand what might happen on the first day and address some of their concerns about the unknown. The orientation or induction process often includes learning about rules in the workplace, being shown around the centre and receiving or being measured for a uniform.

Use this facilitator guide to support discussion about the first day at work as an aged care worker.

Stories, people and places are based on individuals from different communities in East Arnhem Land. For cultural appropriateness, names have been changed.

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