Don’t make smokes your story campaign – evaluations

The National Tobacco Campaign launched the Don’t make smokes your story campaign in 2016. It focused on reducing smoking rates among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The campaign has been evaluated each year and these reports outline the findings.

Collection description

Don’t make smokes your story focuses on reducing smoking rates among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It began in 2016 and was run again in 2017 and 2018. These reports outline the findings of the evaluations that have been done each year.

The campaign was specifically aimed at smokers, recent quitters and their families.

Key campaign objectives were to:

  • encourage quit attempts amongst current smokers and to encourage them to keep trying to quit
  • encourage family members and service providers to reinforce the campaign
  • drive people to the support resources — the Quitline, the quit smoking apps and the website
  • communicate the risks of smoking
  • show the benefits of quitting for smokers and their families

Older reports are available on the National Library of Australia’s web archive.

Evaluation reports

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