Supporting younger NDIS participants
If you support a younger National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participant who wants to leave aged care, you can help them consider their options by:
- asking about their home and living goals
- directing them, or their family or carer to the NDIS for information about home and living options
- encouraging them to contact their NDIS support coordinator or NDIS planner to talk about options.
Applying for access to the NDIS
An Ability First Australia (AFA) Younger People in Residential Aged Care (YPIRAC) System Coordinator will contact younger aged care residents, or their nominee, to help them apply for the NDIS.
Residential aged care providers should encourage a younger person with disability to check their NDIS eligibility. Eligibility can be checked:
- in person
- by phone
- by email
- by webchat
- through an online form.
Younger people who are eligible for the NDIS
If a younger person is eligible for the NDIS, a support coordinator or NDIS planner will set up a meeting with the person to:
- discuss their goals
- develop a NDIS plan
- explore suitable accommodation options.
To help the younger person prepare for the meeting, you can:
- provide the NDIS support coordinator or NDIS planner with contact details for the younger person’s nominee
- ensure the younger person is prepared for their meeting
- ensure staff know that the NDIS support coordinator or NDIS planner will be visiting your aged care home.
The younger person can choose who is at the meeting.
Becoming a registered NDIS provider
All NDIS participants have access to the same quality and safeguarding arrangements, no matter who provides their NDIS supports and services.
Aged care providers can apply to be a registered NDIS provider with the NDIS Quality and Safety Commission.
Providers must also be registered to deliver certain higher-risk support types to any NDIS participant, including:
- specialist disability accommodation
- development of behavioural support plans
- implementation of regulated restrictive practices.
Registered NDIS providers must meet obligations and requirements that apply to the NDIS participants they support.
For further information and support, see the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission or call 1800 035 544.
Worker screening
NDIS Worker Screening Checks also apply to aged care providers who are registered NDIS providers.
Read more about screening requirements for the aged care workforce.
Continuing residential aged care for an NDIS participant
Residential aged care providers must continue to support a younger NDIS participant who:
- does not want to leave their aged care home
- does not have a goal to leave residential aged care in their NDIS plan.
The aged care legislation, including the Aged Care Act 1997 and the Quality of Care Principles 2014, outlines the responsibilities of aged care providers, including:
- security of tenure
- ensuring care recipients are given dignity, choice and ongoing support.
The NDIS will continue to fund support for NDIS participants who choose to remain in registered aged care homes.
Supporting a younger person who is not an NDIS participant
The AFA YPIRAC System Coordinator Program may help if a younger aged care resident either:
- is not eligible for the NDIS
- does not consent to testing NDIS eligibility.
An AFA YPIRAC System Coordinator can help a younger person to:
- navigate the disability, housing, health and aged care systems
- find alternative accommodation and support services that best meets their needs
- move from residential aged care, if this is the younger person’s choice.
The younger person, or their family can contact Ability First Australia to find out:
- how to receive support
- where AFA YPIRAC System Coordinators are operating in their area.
State and territory government responsibility
State and territory governments also have a responsibility to help younger people find alternative accommodation where they are:
- not eligible for the NDIS
- not eligible for NDIS-funded home and living supports.
For more information on what housing options may be available, contact the relevant housing authority in your state or territory.