About smoking and tobacco
Your starting point for information about tobacco smoking – what is it, how it affects you and the people around you, and why quitting is the safest option.
Benefits of quitting
The sooner you quit, the sooner you start to see the benefits. Learn more about the benefits to giving up smoking.
How to quit
Find out what steps to follow in order to quit smoking. Learn about quitting methods, how you may feel during the process and support that’s available.
Organisations, websites and services that offer support, counselling and information about smoking and tobacco.
Health effects of smoking
For help with quitting
My QuitBuddy
A free smartphone app designed to help you every step of the way.
Find information about quitting or call the Quitline and chat to a trained counsellor.
Talk to your doctor or pharmacist
Your doctor or pharmacist can help you with medications to reduce withdrawal symptoms.