Newborn bloodspot screening (NBS) – Our national decision-making pathway fact sheet
Fact sheet
This fact sheet provides information on the national NBS decision-making pathway, including the role of each committee in the process.
Newborn bloodspot screening (NBS) – Delivering consistency and expansion fact sheet
Fact sheet
This fact sheet provides information about what NBS expansion means for families and consumers, expansion progress to date, and upcoming milestones.
Newborn bloodspot screening expansion – Readiness assessment executive summary
This publication outlines the key findings of the national readiness assessment conducted in 2023. The aim of the readiness assessment is to understand how NBS programs operate nationally. It also looks at critical factors for achieving consistency and expanding the number of conditions screened.
Newborn bloodspot screening – Public consultation infographic
Fact sheet
This publication outlines the key findings from our public consultation on the expansion of newborn bloodspot screening programs.
Public consultation on the expansion of newborn bloodspot screening
This report gives an overview of the public consultation process that we undertook for the expansion of newborn bloodspot screening programs.
Screening tests for your new baby – Tasmania
Tasmanian Health Service information brochure explaining how newborn bloodspot screening works in Tasmania.
Screening tests for your new baby – South Australia
South Australia Pathology brochure explaining how newborn bloodspot screening works in South Australia.
Newborn Bloodspot Screening – National Policy Framework
Strategy or framework
The Newborn Bloodspot Screening National Policy Framework guides the national policies needed to support the ongoing success of newborn bloodspot screening in Australia.
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