Using My Aged Care

Aged care assessors and approved service providers manage their My Aged Care information using portals. Health professionals use the My Aged Care website to help patients access services. Find out how to set up and use the My Aged Care portals.

Set up access to My Aged Care

Service providers and assessors use a portal to access My Aged Care.

Find out how to set up and use the My Aged Care portals.

My Aged Care for health professionals

As a health professional you can help your patients get the aged care services they need with My Aged Care.

Learn about referring patients to My Aged Care and accessing urgent services.

My Aged Care for service providers

As an approved aged care provider, you must use the My Aged Care Service and Support Portal to keep your information up to date.

See how to access the portal and where to find resources to help you.

Date last updated:

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