Exemption from the 24/7 RN responsibility

If you have an eligible facility in a rural or remote area, you can apply to be exempt from the 24/7 registered nurse (RN) responsibility. This allows more time to increase your staffing to meet the requirement to have an RN onsite and on duty at all times.

About the exemption

We may grant an exemption from the 24/7 RN responsibility to an approved provider for an eligible service for up to 12 months at a time. This means your exempt facility doesn’t need to have an RN onsite and on duty at all times.

If you have an exemption for a facility you must still:


To be eligible for an exemption your facility must:

You must also:


To apply for an exemption, email us a completed application form.

24/7 RN supplement

If you have an exemption in place for a facility at any point in a month you will not receive the 24/7 RN supplement for that month. 

For example, if an exemption is in place for the first 2 days of the month, the 24/7 RN supplement will not be provided for that month, even if your facility meets the other eligibility criteria for the supplement.

Change of circumstances

You must tell us of any material change of circumstances that could impact your exemption. This includes:

  • an increase to the number of operational places to more than 30 places
  • any material changes to the alternative clinical care arrangements that would impact the clinical care given to residents.

Revocation of an exemption

You can email us at any time and ask to revoke an exemption. The revocation will take effect shortly after the date of request. 

You may then be eligible to receive the 24/7 RN supplement for that facility for the following month.

We may also revoke an exemption for a facility if you:

  • have more than 30 operational places and no longer meet the eligibility criteria
  • breach a condition of the exemption
  • do not take reasonable steps to meet the clinical care needs of residents
  • receive a sanction from the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.

Learn more

For more information about exemptions see:


24/7 registered nurses exemption contact

Email us your completed 24/7 registered nurse responsibility exemption application form, or for more information about the exemption.
Date last updated:

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