Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVVS)

The scheme involves volunteers visiting older people to provide friendship and companionship. Find out how it works, how to become a volunteer and how to request a visit.

Learn about the scheme

Learn how the scheme works and who is involved.

Become a volunteer

Find out what's involved in becoming a volunteer.

Request a volunteer

Find out how to request a visit from a volunteer.

Is this the year you volunteer?

Volunteer visitors and recipients share their experience with ACVVS.

We encourage more people to become volunteer visitors to provide friendship and companionship to older people in aged care.


Hello Monique.


How are you, Jack?

Fancy meeting you.

[Narrator] Across Australia, aged care volunteer visitors provide support, connection, and companionship to elderly recipients.

Ah, they’re beautiful.

You can put them in my hair.

[Narrator] Being an aged care volunteer visitor means being a regular visitor and friend. Visits can take as little as one hour, every two weeks, 20 times a year, and make the world of difference.

I've got it marked on the calendar. I know that on that date, on that time, you'll be coming through my door, where there might not have been another person come through my door since the last time you came.

Peter, to me, is a godsend. His being sent here as a volunteer has developed into quite a deep friendship.

[Narrator] Volunteering not only helps recipients, it's great for volunteers too. It gives you access to new perspectives and helps you feel part of a community.

I'm my happiest when I help people. This is extra special because we're helping each other through laughter and friendship.

Not only can you give back to the community, you will meet wonderful people.

Like me?

Yeah, like you!

[Narrator] We're looking for aged care volunteer visitors in your area. Go online and sign up today.

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