Aged care reforms and reviews resources

A list of resources – including fact sheets, webinars, brochures and presentations – about aged care reforms.


Changes to aged care in Australia

The booklet is aimed at older people and their families and carers. It contains information about the changes to aged care and how these changes will improve aged care in Australia now and into the future.

Aged care reforms - A guide for providers

This booklet gives providers of in-home aged care and residential aged care an overview of what reforms will impact them, as well as how they can access support and have their say about the reforms.

Fact sheets

Aged Care Council of Elders – Council member profiles

The Aged Care Council of Elders are a group of older people from diverse backgrounds with lived experiences of ageing and aged care. They represent broad geographical locations and consider views from across Australia.

Workforce initiatives

This fact sheet is a summary of some of the workforce initiatives available to support aged care providers.

In-home aged care program engagement calendar

We will undertake consultation in 2023 to inform the design of the new in-home aged care program. This calendar lets you know when these activities are happening.

AN-ACC provider checklist

This fact sheets provides information on the steps residential aged care providers can take to prepare for 1 October 2022, when the Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) replaces the Aged Care Funding Instrument (ACFI).

Aged Care Quality Standards – Public Consultation

We are currently reviewing the Aged Care Quality Standards. This fact sheet provides an overview of the review and the public consultation occurring from 17 October to 25 November 2022.


Quarterly Financial Report – what’s changed

This webinar is for providers of aged care. We provide details on up-coming changes to the Quarterly Financial Report (QFR).

2023 Residents’ Experience Surveys

All residential aged care providers are encouraged to participate in the 2023 Residents’ Experience Surveys which will contribute 33% to their overall Star Rating score. This webinar provided information about what has changed in the program since 2022 and how the surveys will be conducted.

New residential aged care quality indicators launched 1 April 2023

From 1 April 2023, residential aged care providers need to collect data for six new quality indicators as part of the National Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator Program. To help providers prepare and to support reporting, we hosted a QI Program webinar.

Grant Opportunity: Improving respite care for people with dementia and their carers

This webinar is for aged care providers interested in applying for a grant opportunity, which aims to improve respite care for people with dementia and their carers.

Reforming in-home aged care and regulation update – 31 August 2022

The Australian Government extended the reforms to in-home aged care until July 2024. This webinar will give older Australians, their families and carers, and the aged care sector an update on the reforms. The update will include progress on a new Aged Care Act and regulatory arrangements.

Reforming in-home aged care update – 7 December 2022

This webinar is for older Australians, their families and carers, and the aged care sector. It provides an update on the feedback we received on a new program for in-home aged care discussion paper. The webinar outlines the next steps for the reforms.
Date last updated:

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